Late dinner

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As Barley walks inside and wonders into the kitchen, he is greeted by Laurel who was holding onto her phone. "Hey, Barley. I don't feel like cooking so we are going to be having pizza tonight." She says.

A large excited grin appeared across Barley's face, he happily threw his hands into the air. "YES!" He shouted out with a little laugh, he loved pizza. Anything cheesy, gooey or greasy he was a big fan of. He wasn't aware that his younger brother was right next to him.

"Yeah, Mom that sounds good." Ian says before looking up at his brother with a concerned look on his face. "By the way Barley, what were you doing?" He asks.

Barley was taken aback from what Ian had said to him, his heart began to beat just that little bit faster in fear that he was onto him. "What do you mean by that?" He asks.

"I saw you running outside at almost the speed of light." Ian says, seeing Barley running off into random directions was not terribly uncommon yet Ian was still a bit worried. He had been acting strange all day after all.

"Ooooh....THAT." Barley says awkwardly. "Yeah I...I just sorta left something in Gwenivere so I just dashed out to pick that up. No need to worry." He hated to have to lie to his brother but he knew, especially now, that Ian would just not cope.

Although it was clear that he was so nervous, Ian can't seem to figure out what else it possibly could've been about. Regardless of his facial expression the lie was rather convincing. "Uh...oooooookaaaay?"

The atmosphere was tense, but Laurel was able to cut right through it with one simple question. "Hey boys, what kind of pizza do you want?" She asks.

Everyone happily announced what they each wanted, it didn't take too long for their pizza to arrive at their doorstep. Barley practically shoved the slices right down his gullet before grabbing ahold of the box with its remains. He attempted to bring some to Izzy before he was so suddenly pulled back by Colt. "Not so fast, and I have got some talking to do." Barley gulped a little as he looks back at the angry police officer. He held out his phone to show what seemed to have been a picture of him messing around with some of the construction worker's vehicles. It was something that had just been sent to Colt from someone else at work. "Oh boy..." Barley says to himself nervously.

"Tampering with trucks now?! Barley! Just because you know me doesn't mean I can keep you from getting locked up!" Colt snaps.

Laurel's eyes went open wide as she heard this. "WHAT?!" She cries out as she ran to look at Colt's phone. Barley looked all the more guilty at he took a few steps back. "Barley! H-how could you do this?!"

"It wasn't my fault! They were going to tear down the tower of-"

Barley wasn't suddenly cut off by Laurel. "Sit down!" She snaps angrily. Barley immediately down back down at the table. "I know how passionate you are about these things but if you keep this up and worse- keep doing things to up your game, you are going to get in some serious trouble! You could go to jail, Colt could even lose his job from trying to defend you!" She snaps.

"Defend me?!" Barley snapped angrily. "He's the one who keeps trying boss us all around!"

That is when a bit of an argument broke out between the family, Laurel and Colt constantly trying to tell Barley they were trying to help him and of course feeling angry about how irresponsible he was being. What truely angered them was how Barley couldn't seem to understand that they were doing this to protect them. Barley was a bit steamed at first, his anger mostly directed towards Colt. But after a while he went all silent as the two kept on scolding him. Poor Ian had himself locked up in his bedroom to avoid the conflict. "It's not like you're ever going to BE my Dad!" Barley snaps at Colt, tearing up a little bit.

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