[67] I'll Be Here

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I staggered to my feet, using the giant obsidian pillar beside me to keep myself steady. The stinging in my eyes lingered, and I blinked rapidly to clear my blurry vision.

George was on the ground near me, grimacing as he pushed himself up. I reached forward to help him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking for any indication that he was hurt. He grunted brushing his leg where a cut had sliced across his shin. 

"I got cut," he said, "by that I think."

He pointed down to the ground where a flat, black shape lay. I squinted, reaching forward to pick it up. The object wasn't too big, only slightly smaller than my hand, and it's surface shimmered like a silky wave as I turned it over.

It was obsidian. Then I realized it was one of the dragon's obsidian scales. I turned my gaze to the middle of the island. Black scales of all sizes littered the ground under a giant cloud of smoke. It slowly curled and faded into the air, flashing light over the obsidian and imitating the twinkling stars above . But there was another silhouette on the ground not far from the middle. The green color of his clothes began to come into focus and the sleek armor hugging his body shone a clear purple hue.

It was Dream.

My hand left George's shoulder and I was running, my shoes crunching on obsidian scales as the smoke swept away from my path, curling after me. My breath struggled to get in and out of my throat, but I barely paid any mind to the way my lungs burned or my legs ached.

All I cared about was getting to Dream, and making sure he was okay.

He was sprawled out on his back, his face turned up and his dark blonde hair tangling over his forehead. I fell to my knees at his side, my gasping breath catching in my throat as the damage became clear.

A giant dragon scale had lodged into his side, bending the netherite armor under its jagged edges—Bending the netherite. I had maxed this armor myself, and I knew it was impenetrable.

Well, at least I thought so. This just proved how wrong I was.

But that wasn't the only alarming injury. Another, smaller piece of a dragon scale was stuck in his shoulder, wedged between his shoulder armor and chestplate. Flecks of obsidian prickled along his neck and up the side of his jaw where his face lay slack, his eyes closed.

He looked dead.

I reached over to his head, gently turning his face so I could press my fingers against the uninjured part of his neck.

My heart beat hard in my chest like a drum, announcing the arrival of what could be a terrifying answer to my efforts, an answer I didn't want to receive. My hands shook, and a knot of dread began twisting in my stomach. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead.

The two fingers I had been holding against his neck had not come up with a single heartbeat. Where was his pulse? Why—why couldn't I feel it? I adjusted my fingers, my unsteady breathing getting louder in my ears, closing out any other sound around me as my breaths picked up in speed. Despair started to swirl in my heart, burning hot in my chest and making me lightheaded.

I pulled my hands from his neck, pressing my fingers to the inside of his wrist instead.

Please no.

Please don't be dead.

A shadow passed in front of me and I looked up to see Sapnap kneeling on the other side of Dream, a severe look on his face.

"I can't get a pulse." The words tumbled from my mouth. My eyes were stinging again, burning, as the hysteria started to rise in my throat.

Dreaming of Demons (Dream x oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant