[15] Lockdown (Again)

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I found myself striding in the direction of the prison. Even though I was still mulling over Ranboo's reaction, I felt like I needed to tell Sam what I had found out. The fact that Dream was in more trouble than we thought. And maybe the fact that we could be in trouble too.

Sam was standing near the portal when I arrived at the prison entry building. He looked up when I walked inside and took a step towards me, a grim look on his face.

"Taryn." His tone was level. "There's going to be no visitors today."

"Visitors?" I looked over his stance in front of the portal, practically blocking it from me. Something was wrong. "I'm technically not a visitor." I said.

Sam's face twisted in irritation for a second. "I'm not allowing anyone in the cell. There's been an issue."

"You're kidding."

"I'm being serious, Taryn. Someone tried to attack the prison."


He rubbed a hand down the side of his face. "I don't know. I've been trying to figure that out."

"How—" I started walking out of the small building, turning to raise my head to the larger one outside. It looked as tall and foreboding as ever. Not a single difference in it's smooth blackstone that I could see. "What happened?"

"There were explosions. But the perpetrator got away before I could get out here." He didn't follow me, instead watching me as I moved outside to get a better look.

I huffed a breath, my mind becoming even more muddled than it was before. Why would someone attack the prison? I couldn't think of anyone who would. So far everyone I had met believed that Dream belonged in prison. So who could have done this? The only other option I could think of was the Eggpire. But they seemed so fixed on the Egg itself, I didn't think that made sense. And there probably would have been red vines found in the aftermath. As far as I could see, there were no telltale crimson vines here.

A vague memory came back to me. Dream had talked about breaking out before—or at least making an attempt. But if what I believed was true, had that been the Demon talking?

A scary thought popped into my mind. What if Ranboo really was possessed by a Demon? Could the Demons possessing both Dream and Ranboo communicate and create some sort of big scheme to throw the Dream SMP into chaos?

I looked back at Sam. "What were you doing? Having tea time with Dream?" A hint of sarcasm laced my voice, though I was still confused on the fact that Sam had missed the person who was destroying the prison. It usually didn't take him that long to exit the building.

"No, Tommy was visiting."

I blinked. "You—you mean he's in there? With Dream?"

He sighed and moved past me to go outside. "I know what you're going to say and I don't have time for it."

I turned after him to catch up. "Sam, do you even know what you've done? You can't leave him in there!"

This was bad, worse than when I was stuck with Dream. I knew Tommy had a history with Dream, and I also knew it wasn't a very good one. Whether he was being controlled by a Demon or not, Dream's actions were still horrible. But it made me wonder: Were all those crimes he had committed because of the Demon or his own free will? And after all I had heard, why was he always targeting Tommy?

But above everything else, why would Sam allow this? He knew full well of Dream's crimes, so he had to know what he was risking.

"Dream could hurt him!" I called after Sam. I didn't know when Dream fell under the control of the Demon but I had a feeling Tommy's presence wouldn't help.

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