[24] A Pleasure Doing Business

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My plan was to return to the prison at about the same time I had visited the day before. Hopefully, Quackity was on some sort of schedule and I would be able to run into him again. But that was only because I knew for a fact that Sam would do nothing to stop him from entering. He might as well sweep into a flourishing bow as he opened Dream's cell up for Quackity to waltz in with his axe in hand and a cruel smirk on his face.

To my relief, I spotted Quackity just about to reach the entry building across the grass. I picked my feet up into a jog and called out his name, hoping he wouldn't think to ignore me.

Above my rather low expectations, he actually turned around. Even as I caught up to him, I could see the expression of annoyance that swiped over his face before it was swiftly covered with a hardened gaze. I slowed to stop in front of him.

"I know what you're doing, Quackity." I paused to catch a breath, and my words sounded rather weak. But I continued anyway. "I'm not letting you in the prison."

His scarred brow lifted. "And what exactly am I doing?"

"Don't play that game with me," I snapped, "I know you've been torturing Dream, and I also know it's wrong."

He laughed, a short, contemptuous sound. "Really? Are you protecting Dream?"

"You don't know what's going on, Quackity. He doesn't deserve this—"

"No, I know what's going on." He slipped his axe off his shoulder and took a step toward me, tilting his head and using his weapon to point at me. His eyes narrowed. "He's using you."

I pushed his axe away. "He is not using me. In fact, something else is using him, but I know you wouldn't take me seriously if I tried to explain it to you."

The corners of his mouth quirked up in amusement, and he glanced to the side as if he was fed up with me already. But once his eyes returned to me, his expression slipped into a sharp scowl. "Dream has literally destroyed the SMP, Taryn. He's hurt a lot of people and you think you can just come here and deny that?"

I clenched my jaw. I already knew everything Dream had done when he was controlled by the demon—when he was the Dreamon. His crimes would probably never be excused, and I understood that. So maybe...I would have to find some other way to go about this.

My expression had begun to rival Quackity's, and I forced myself to relax and take a breath, attempting to bring down the boiling point of anger that would have been sure to surface soon enough.

"I know a lot of people have been hurt." I said softly. "But isn't this isolated prison cell enough punishment? This solitary confinement..." I shook my head as I thought about all the days Dream had spent alone, with only the demon as company. "Isn't that enough damage on its own?"

He scoffed and shifted to turn around. "It's not nearly enough."

My hand shot out to his arm, pulling him back. "Quackity, please. Just trust me on this, okay? Just give me time—"

He jerked his arm out of my grasp. "Give you time?" He repeated. "To do what? Bond?"

"Aren't we friends, Quackity?" I could hear the hint of desperation ringing on the edge of my voice. But that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want to sound like I was grasping for loose straws. He just wasn't listening. "Can't you just trust my judgement?"

He seemed to give thought to my words, looking at his axe, then back to me. His expression was less twisted than before as he spoke somberly. "I've changed, Taryn. I've realized some things, and I'm not going to let my past mistakes happen again."

I stared at him. "So you've become some ruthless torturer?"

His fingers curled tighter around the worn handle of his axe. "I do what I have to."

I shook my head slowly, trying to connect the dots in his words. "What happened?" I questioned quietly, "What about George, and Sapnap, and Karl?" I caught the way his mouth twitched and something flashed in his eyes. "We were—"

"No," he cut me off again. "I realized I could have been doing better while they—" he stopped himself, swallowing down the anger that had risen and letting his voice harden. "They had their own ideas. I realize now that if I want something to change, I have to do what needs to be done." He twisted the axe in his hands. "And this is what needs to be done."

"Okay, fine." I said, stopping him from turning away once more. "We both want something, so why don't we make a compromise?" I released a subtle breath of relief when he tilted his head in curiosity. "I heard you like making deals?"

Quackity narrowed his eyes and looked me up and down. He looked skeptical, but at least I had stopped him again.

"Alright, what are you proposing?"

"You stop torturing Dream for...a month—"


"A week and a half," I stated. I watched as Quackity thought about it for a moment.

"Okay." He said. "A week and a half. Now what could you possibly give me in return?"

I bit back my smile. I had purposefully aimed high to make him more keen on allowing a week and a half for Dream. I knew he would have been more wary of accepting even a week if I had presented that first.

I shrugged. "I'll give you...four netherite ingots."

"Actually, I have a better idea." He grinned. "I want three stacks of TNT and four netherite ingots in three days."

"You're kidding."

He laughed. "I'm not kidding."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not gonna—"

"If you don't want me in the prison for a week and a half, you better give me the TNT and the ingots."

I folded my arms. "That's practically impossible. I think two ingots and one and a half stacks is plenty."

"The deal is either four ingots and three stacks, or no deal at all." He snapped.

I glared at him, my mind scrambling to come up with some sort of comeback as he glared right back. But there was no other way I could go about this. Quackity pretty much had full control over the situation and I had been dumb enough to think otherwise.

But Dream didn't deserve this torture—no one did.

I exhaled slowly. So much for trying to con him in my own way.

"Fine." I said. "You stop torturing Dream for a week and a half, and I will give you three stacks of TNT and four netherite ingots."

"Within three days." Quackity stuck out his hand, a grin plastered to his face.

My jaw tensed. I had been hoping he wouldn't include the time limit, but he was a businessman after all.

"Within three days." I repeated, grinding out the words.

His hand twitched as he waited for me to take it. "Deal?"

Without another moment of hesitation, I slapped my hand into his and gave it a firm shake without breaking eye contact.




Hmmm I wonder why Quackity would need all that TNT...

Hope you guys enjoyed this shorter chapter! I'm surprised I've been able to keep up with a weekly posting schedule with all the homework I've had. I ain't complaining though.

Thanks for reading and see y'all next time! <3

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