[41] Searching

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The book snapped shut in my hand. Yet another one I had skimmed through without finding any useful information. Apparently, I didn't have much luck when it came to finding answers in books.

"I need to warn the others about Dream and Wilbur." I spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room in Karl's library.

Karl seemed to be sucked into whatever he was reading, his legs folded up to his chest on his chair as he propped the book on the table in front of him. His eyes flitted back and forth on the pages, his chin settled atop his knees. Sapnap wasn't reading at all, instead standing around the bookshelves that lined the walls, tapping the tip of his sword on the ground as he absently looked over the colorful books of all sizes, colors, and age.

He was the first to look over at me when I spoke. "I don't think you should tell people. Most people still think you're the one who broke Dream out. No one can see you until we figure this out."

"So you're saying we don't tell them?"

Karl finally looked up, his eyes moving to Sapnap. "Me and Sap can tell them."

"No." Sapnap turned fully to the two of us sitting in the chairs in the middle of the room. "People will get suspicious if they go around saying Dream and Wilbur are going to attack. They might think we're all sided with them."

"But isn't it worth it to warn them at least?" I protested.

"And have everyone gathered in one place to turn on us?"


"I don't think we should tell them."

I frowned. "People already think I'm sided with Dream. I won't really have anything to lose in that case if I go out to tell them."

"Yeah, you have your life to lose."

I huffed a sigh, having no quick response. He was right in some ways, but... I bit my cheek, trying to think. "But they could lose their lives, since they would be caught unaware. We could strategize and plan something—"

"If I know anything about Dream—," he grimaced, changing his wording. "Or, the Dreamon, I know that he's unpredictable. There's no calculating where he's gonna pop up next. So there's no point in even trying to make some dumb battle strategy."

I looked away, knowing he was right. I was trying to grasp at straws here, and I couldn't seem to pull any at all.

A knock sounded at the door that had been cracked open to let the air in, and a second later, it opened wide enough to allow the newcomer to poke their head inside. It was Tubbo.

"Hey Karl, I have some—" He froze, his eyes widening slightly when he saw me.

It seemed the same frozen spell had fallen over the rest of us as all our heads turned to the newcomer. No one moved, unsure of what to do or say. I glimpsed Karl giving me a sideways glance before I quickly blinked.

"Hey, Tubbo..." I managed to say.

"Wait, you—but you—" He stumbled over his words, his wide eyes flickering between the three of us before landing back on me. "You broke Dream out. How are you here? What's happening?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sapnap give me an 'I told you so' look.

I stood up slowly. "Tubbo, I didn't break Dream out. He—he kidnapped me and I only just got away." I lifted my hands, palms facing outwards to show that meant no harm. "I promise I'm not with him."

He looked me up and down, a skeptical expression taking over. "He kidnapped you?"

I nodded softly, my chest squeezing at the idea that yes, it really happened. "Yeah." I answered quietly. "But there's something I need to tell you—"

Dreaming of Demons (Dream x oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن