" What's the matter love ? "

Hana turned him towards her, and was met by a weeping Hoseok. Tears streamed down his cheek to his toned chest , the tears he has been hiding from the last five years, tears of pain, regret and guilt.

" I saw her Hana, I saw her in my dreams but this time she wasn't chasing me anymore. She smiled at me and went towards a man who was carrying a kid in his arms "

More tears fell from his eyes, it was the first dream he saw in the last five years, five years without Andrea beside them, five years without they catched a glimpse of her, five years without listening her melodic voice.

Five years laced with agony and only agony.

They regretted what they did but this time the wound was so huge that no amount of sorries could heal it .

She left them and after that they never saw her again.

" She didn't turn back even after I called out her name multiple times, my feet was sinking into the sand and my screams was ignored. She went away with them and again I lost her forever"

His knees buckled, he felt too weak to even stand straight and his body dropped to the floor with a loud thud.
He was not ill , he was not unconscious, like all of them, Hoseok was exhausted.
Too exhausted to continue with his life the same way he used to to five years ago.

" Shhhh, it's gonna be okay" Hana sang in his ears, she herself felt vulnerable yet someone needed to stand strong.

Andrea's absence hurted her, she missed her a lot. She missed seeing her glowing eyes, beautiful smiles, she missed the way her name rolled out of Andrea's lips. Her sensual and sweet touch, her bold actions, everything about Andrea was fascinating but she failed to realise it on time.

And now she's gone from their lives for forever.

" No it's not though Hana, you know it too "
Hoseok faced her, anguish burning in his eyes and body. 

No words left her mouth, it was the truth, every words he spoke was the reality.
They are not okay, they are never going to be okay.

For the past five years, eight of them made this a forbidden topic, nobody dared to give light on her name, they tried to forget what had happened. But her presence was so bright and strong that she was never shadowed. They didn't say her name but her thought never escaped from their minds.

She was the only thing they ever thought of , they ever dreamt of . A dream that can never be true so they chose to live with the hallucination of it .

A knock on the door broke them out of their hazed state . 

" Guys get ready" Yoongi's groggy voice was heard by them and was enough to put them back to work.

Yoongi didn't come in and wished good morning to Hana and Hoseok like he used to do . He stopped doing that five years ago. He stopped showering Hana with kisses, pamper her with love, he stopped everything after that day she left them.
The last time Hana and Yoongi shared a bed would be months ago, after her disappearance, the once soft and jovial Yoongi turned distant and rigid.

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