Just when she asked that, Ha Jun began to have flashbacks.

"You're a sissy!"

"Boys don't dance! Unless you're gay."

"I have no son, no son of mine will become some prissy dancer."

"Stop wasting your time dancing, it's not gonna make you famous."

"A lot Ho-yeon." Ha Jun finally replied.

Ho-yeon noticed the sad look on his face then sighed.

"Okay Ha Jun, I understand." Ho-yeon mumbled out.

"Just please, let's just keep this relationship a secret from the public eye, for me?" Ha Jun asked as he flashed his puppy eyes.

Puppy eyes are Ho-yeon's weakness.

"Fine, just stop doing the puppy eyes." Ho-yeon chuckled out.

Ha Jun smiled.

"I love you." Ha Jun coo'ed out.

"I love you too." Ho-yeon chuckled out.

Yn's POV

After work was done, I sat around, waiting for Dong Wook.

"What are you waiting for?" Joo-ryung asked.

"Mr. Lee asked me to take me out for coffee." I replied.

Joo-ryung's eyes grew wide.

"Really? Are you sure it ain't more than just coffee?" Joo-ryung teased while grinning.

"Yes, why?" I replied confused.

"Hmm, let's just say...that's how me and my ex-husband went out and 9 months later, my daughter came into the picture." Joo-ryung chuckled out.

TMI Joo-ryung, TMI!

"Ms. Ln." I heard a male voice call me.

I turned around to see Dong Wook.

"Ready to leave?" Dong Wook asked.

I nodded my head but then noticed that he had a bit of a sour look on his face, as if something had happened to him to ruin his day.

"See you tomorrow Ms. Kim." Dong Wook grumbled to Joo-ryung.

"You too sir." Joo-ryung murmured as she walked off.

"Prick." Joo-ryung whispered under her breath.

When we walked out the building, I noticed that Dong Wook was pretty quiet during the elevator ride. He usually has something to say if he was in the elevator.

"Mr. Lee, are you alright?" I asked.

Dong Wook's eyes lit up as if he snapped back into reality.

"Y-yes Ms. Ln, pay no mind to me at all." Dong Wook faltered.

I frowned but complied to his order.

The cafe was in walking distance from the job but Dong Wook insisted that he'd drive us up there. Why? I honestly don't know. I mean, less walking for me then I guess.

When we sat down, I tried to start some small talk with him.

"So, how was your day?" I began.

"Fine." Dong Wook replied as he played with the pepper shaker.

"Good, good." I trembled out.

Damn, why is he always the hardest to talk to? I mean, look at him. If you were to see his face, you'd clam up too when trying to communicate with him.

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