Chapter 26: Betrayal

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Wren's jaw dropped as she was stunned to see how Daeva treated the Troblins. It seemed so did they as they had the same shocked expression as Wren on their green faces. Daeva continued fighting with Wren, striking her sword again. Suddenly, Wren's sword flew across the room. Daeva cornered her and lifted her sword, but Wren tried her best to hold it down. Instead, Daeva slit Wren's hand open and her scarlet blood seeped into a vial Daeva was holding.
"Yes! Finally!"
"CHARGE!!" The sound echoed through the air as the Troblins charged at Daeva. They lifted her up and dropped her down and she couldn't be seen anymore as she was covered by a sea of Troblins.
"NO! YOU FOOLISH BEASTS! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ATTACK WREN, NOT ME!" Daeva's horrible voice could be heard as Wren climbed out through the ceiling, to find all her dragon friends outside. She rushed to hug her mom and Xavier.
"Hey, what about a hug for us?" Zaatar jokingly asked, and Wren squeezed him so tight he wasn't able to breathe.
"Wren- I believe I owe you an apology. As brothers and sisters, we shouldn't fight as much as we do. And I'm sorry I treated you that way." Ajowan said.
"I am sorry too. I'm the eldest, I should be more responsible." Saffron said.
"What about you say sorry to each other instead of me?" Wren proposed.
"Right. Ajowan, all our bickering was a sick competition for who was the best dragon. I don't know why I got so jealous, but there shouldn't be a best dragon. We're all unique in our own ways."
"Yes, I agree. I'm sorry."
"Well, Wren, I suppose you should get going." A dragon by the name of Turmeric said.
"Wait, before I go, are you sure you can't come back? Zaatar, Cassia, you saw how the people reacted to you in Dratch. They didn't attack you." Wren said.
"Maybe because they had bigger problems on their hands? Like Troblins?" Cassia replied.
"Maybe, but it's worth a chance."
"For you, Wren, anything." Tulsi the mind reading dragon said.
"Here, climb on my back and we'll fly you to Wentali." Caram said. He was the dragon that had power mimicry. His wings spread and he took off, the other 11 dragons behind him.
"So, how does this power mimicry thing work anyway?" Wren was curious.
"Well, think of it as an illusion. I can make things appear when they aren't there. For example, I can pretend I can control this cloud." Caram said, and a cloud appeared that started forming itself into whatever he wanted. "But in reality, this cloud isn't really there." He said, and the cloud disappeared. Soon after, they arrived at Wentali.
"You can all stay at the forests near Wentali, or go wherever you please. I just hope you visit me often. But if not, then I say my goodbyes to you. Elaiji, Ancho, Adobo, Ajowan, Saffron, Thymol, Thyme, Zaatar, Cassia, Marchu, Tulsi, and Caram, I bid you farewell. You have been so kind to me and allowed me into your home. It has been an honor to fight alongside you and I hope you have comfort living wherever you like."
"Thank you, Wren." They all bowed their heads and took off.
"Phew. Finally back in the castle."

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