Chapter 16: Zodiacs.....

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"Gotta go!" Wren told Tulsi, and hurried off.

"Good luck with Cassia! You might need it. Heaven knows she's probably looking in that large mirror of hers....." said Tulsi, probably reading Wren's mind. She felt puzzled by what Tulsi had said to her. She knew Cassia was a very beautiful dragon, but she seemed a lot like Narcissus, staring into a mirror all day long. They were indeed very similar sounding. Whatever, she was nice to Wren the first time they met. Soon, she came along a tree with mirrors hung on every side of it.

"Hello?" Yelled Wren, hoping the dragon would just appear.

"Say the magic words." A face in the mirror appeared. It was a masquerade mask, talking! Crazy.........

"Umm... I don't know them."

"Then scram, for goodness sake! I keep telling her not to send these people here......Wait a minute, a person?! That's crazy! Are you by any chance Anna? You look a lot like her. Coming back, I see? Better hide from Ajowan...." He chuckled. Wren felt sick.

"Actually, I'm Wren, her daughter." She mumbled.

"Ah, like mother, like daughter. Congrats. I'll fetch Cassia." Wren watched in awe as the masquerade mask moved from mirror to mirror until they got to a hollow hole in the tree. A few seconds later, a beautiful pink dragon flew out of the hole and landed gracefully on the grass.

"Hello, Wren. Why'd you come here? Haven't I told you all you need to know?"

"Well actually, I need you for something. I owe Marchu a favor."

"Anything for my favorite sister! So, are we going somewhere? I'm asking because Marchu seems like the adventurous type, and my star signs show she's a.....a Sagittarius, which makes it even more true! You're giving off major Taurus vibes right now.....are you a Taurus?"

"Ummm, I guess?"

"Well, if you're done talking, we'd best be on our way." Cassia spread her large wings and flew off into the air.

"Wait!" Wren yelled, running as fast as she could to catch up.

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