Chapter 21: Daeva

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Wren threw back her hood instantly, not knowing why.

"What business do you have with the Troblins?!" She demanded.

"None of your business, Wren. You've always been the nosy type. I still don't know why Aasimar liked you."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT AASIMAR?!" Wren screamed, tears pouring down her face. Her sword was held with a firm grip in front of her.

"Did you really forget? We were the best of friends back in the day, both apprentices of Aasimar. He admired you. But me? He never cared about me. And then I left. My parents thought it was my fault. Then I saw who you really were. A horrible friend. You got everything. Now you're even the chosen one! Apparently the one with the purest heart. Heck, you're even the Queen of Uruk! And as for me.....well, you forgot about me."

Wren started remembering her past. "Daeva, you're letting jealousy control you. Let me remind you I didn't choose for the people I love to die. Is this really worth it? Did you start this war?"

"I didn't start a war. I just let the Troblins know how much greater their nation could be once they had Uruk." Daeva smiled.

"YOU MONSTER!" Wren lunged for Daeva, but two Troblin guards grabbed her arms and pulled her back.

"Face it, the war is almost over. You must be a very pathetic Queen to let your people die like this......."

"Daeva, stop it! These are your people too! Maybe this is why Aasimar didn't like you."

"Say that again and you'll be dead." She spit through her teeth. Wren had now about 2 million thoughts running through her head, but mostly all of them were her hatred for Daeva. How could she do something like this?

"But, now that you're here, you're the last key to activating the shard. As much as it pains me to say it, your blood is special."

"Yes, according to the prophecy, the almighty one, Omnipotens, must drink your blood on the night of the Valhalre, and we will become the most powerful in the world!" One of the Troblins that was holding her said.

"Yes, whatever that one said." Daeva gave a snarky reply, and Wren was surprised the Troblin didn't seem bothered at all by Daeva's harsh words. "Well anyway, we'll need to keep you locked up until the night of the Valhalre." The Troblins tightened their grip around Wren as she struggled to break free. They lead her down more twisting hallways until they threw her in a dark cell and locked her inside.

"Now I'll finally get the happy ending I'll deserve." Daeva laughed. "Revenge feels so good."

DystopiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora