[37] - Stray kids

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'You didn't win that one Hyunjin' Peter Pan🧚‍♂️ the squirrel🐿 said.

'No hospital is still worse' Wonpil's keyboard🎵🎹 wrote.


The chat was chaos and people kept writing in it all the time. We hadn't come up with a day to meet up until a few weeks later when Changbin was discharged.

I had been tempted to meet up with only Felix many times in the meantime, but never had the courage to ask him. He didn't ask me either though. I kept thinking like 'what if he doesn't like me anymore? Like it was only because we were in the game together' then I was thinking 'and why do I even care about that? It's not like I like Felix... at least let's say I don't'

We'd been talking a lot over the phone though. We kept each other updated about everything going on, and every night when I went to bed we would talk about basically everything but also nothing in particular.

He felt like my best friend in some ways, but I was starting to realize I felt more for him than just best friend. It was awkward in a way, but you really wouldn't have noticed that by watching our conversations.

He hadn't gotten the chance to enroll in any university before he got stuck in the game, while as I'd managed to make it through half a term before getting stuck in the game. I was back now, but because of how much I'd missed I was pretty sure I'd have to retake all my classes. Bummer.

Felix kept saying we should match up and go to the same university. I didn't say no, but I also wanted to stay where I was, so he had to come to my uni then.

'So how's it going in school?' He asked me that evening when I'd gone to bed.

'It's fun, but I have so much to catch up on I'm starting to lose it' I complained.

'You can do it, you lead us through a life threatening game, I think you can manage some school work' he tried to encourage me.

'Please I'll do the game any day instead of all this' I joked.

'It sure can't be that bad' he said.

'No but almost'

'Don't you have any classes tomorrow? You should sleep now' he said.

'I should be studying, but I'm already starting to fall asleep'

'Then sleep'

'I'm going to'

'Good night then' he said

'Good night' I replied to him.

'Oh and don't forget we're meeting up with everybody tomorrow' he reminded me.

'I definitely won't forget that' I typed and then I put away my phone.

I was really looking forward to meeting them all tomorrow. I hadn't met any of them since my visit at the hospital, and I really missed them. It had only been a little over a month, but after what we'd been trough together, a month was a long time away from each other.

I didn't have any trouble sleeping though. I fell asleep right away and soon it was morning.

I was living in the university's dorm again but my two roommates were both already out. They had an early class this morning. And I was happy I didn't because I needed the sleep.

When I was getting dressed I was at first just picking a pair of jeans and a hoodie, then I remembered I was meeting Felix today. And the others of course... but I could still wear jeans and hoodie, why did I suddenly feel like I couldn't? I stuck to jeans and hoodie because I don't give a fuck, then left the room. Walking down the stairs to the entrance I was still sleepy and as I got out I didn't even realize I went straight into someone.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you" I said as I rubbed my eyes and was about to pass by.

Then the boy chuckled and I stopped. I recognized that chuckle.

I turned around and my jaw dropped. "Felix" I said with bright eyes as I looked at the boy.

"I was just passing by, so I thought I could come by and say hello" he said.

I ran to him, which was like seriously only two steps, but still, and hugged him.

He seemed to didn't know how to react to my hug because he was awkwardly first moving his arms towards my back to hug me back, but before they reached their destination he stopped and then moved them back so he was just holding them out of his body awkwardly.

"Why are you not hugging me back?" I asked him and then he was quick to put his arms around me.

He walked with me towards my class and his hand kept nudging mine, sending sparks through my body. I really wanted to hold his hand, but didn't dare.

"So everyone's coming later today" I said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, seems like it" he replied.

"We haven't met in so long, it'll be really fun" I said.

"And we won't have to be looking out for life threatening stuff" Felix added with a smile.

"It'll be so nice being able to hang out with my favorite boys and not have to worry about surviving the next hour" I said. I could be jinxing stuff, because of course stuff happens in real life too, but sue me, I'm just happy to be able to meet those boys outside the game.

"But I'm your favorite favorite boy right?" Felix asked and gave me a smirk.

I shrugged. "Mm" I said casually.

Felix stared at me with wide open eyes after that, but didn't say anything.

Then we reached the building where I was having my class. "This is my stop, but I'll see you later" I said.

Felix was waving goodbye and I was about to enter. Then I stopped and turned around, only to run to Felix and give him another hug.

This time he wasn't awkward with hugging me back. "We'll meet soon again, don't worry" he said.

"Bye" I said and gave him a smile before running in.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu