[03] - District 9

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~ The world isn't based on a perfect template in which everyone can fit in. We are all different in many ways and we need to accept our own individuality. The first step in figuring out who you really are is to reject the perfect society and realize who you're not ~


The elevator stopped with a pling and the doors opened up.

The speakers were buzzing for a second before a voice started speaking out of them. "Level one, district 9. The first level of the first chapter of your journey, I am: NOT"

"The fuck's that supposed to mean?" I asked out loud, hoping for an answer. I wasn't expecting one though.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe someone heard me because the next second sound came from the speakers again. "The regime has finally taken over the last district, district 9. Now the regular procedures start in order to create the perfect society. Those who do not fit the template of a normal and loyal citizen will be offered helpful self awareness sessions in order to change"

"Well that's just bullshit, I still don't understand the task" I said while looking at the roof of the elevator with a glare, hoping I would get more information.

Not a single sound could be heard. Guess not then.

Outside the elevator was a city. The sun seemed to have set not too long ago but it might as well have been the middle of the night because not a single person could be seen outside. It was like a ghost town with no signs of life.

I took a step outside and when I turned around again to look back at the elevator it was gone.

I was standing in the middle of a big square, leaving me completely exposed for people who happened to pass by. Well, the nonexistent people from what I could tell.

"Look, over there, a nightwalker" a voice could be heard from afar. Not so nonexistent after all.

And I thought I was alone. I turned around and saw a group of men in black security guard looking uniforms, but they were heavily armed.

Well shit. Guess I'm not supposed to be here. I took off running, only to realize I was surrounded. They were not only running after me from behind, as I was running I ran straight into them.

"I swear, it's not what it looks like" I said, hoping they'd go easy on me, but they didn't seem to give any fucks because the next second I felt something sharp going trough the skin by my neck. I looked to see what it was and saw a hand holding a syringe and whatever liquid had been in it had already been emptied.

Oh shit. This is bad. The next second everything blackened and I was out, once again.


An ear piercing sound could be heard, like the sound when a basketball game is over, I should know since my brother plays basketball (A/N like actually, my brother does play basketball). Then a big, heavy, door could be heard being opened and closed.

My head hurt like hell and my throat was drier than a desert. As I swallowed I might as well have been trying to swallow sandpaper, or straight up sand. It felt like my whole throat was scratching itself up from inside and it was definitely swollen.

I opened my eyes and immediately was met by a bright, white, light right above my face.

I had to blink several times before I could see anything more than light.

This is starting to get familiar by now, all the passing out and all the bright lights.

I was in some hospital looking cell except it looked colder and emptier. I was laying on a stretcher but I soon noticed my wrists were tied to the sides and my ankles at the end.

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