[30] - Let's go to the fields, ields

Start from the beginning

"Well, I do think they measure something too, I think the two different moons are supposed to represent two different things that are coming closer to each other" he said. "I don't really know what they are supposed to represent, but I think whatever it is, when the two moons collide we've reached the end"

I just nodded.

"I'm even starting to miss my university classes at this point" I said with a light chuckle.

"You study? What do you study?" He asked.

"You're gonna laugh" I said a bit shy and felt my face heat up slightly.

"I won't laugh" he said with a smile. "I never got the chance to enroll in university before I came to this place, so whatever it is you're studying, I'm jealous of you" he added.

"Philosophy" I said. "I study philosophy"

Felix didn't laugh at least. "That really do fit you well" he said and nodded slightly.

I didn't say anything for a while after that.

"So when are the others coming back?" I asked out loud after some time in silence. They'd already been gone for a while now. They were supposed to be fast.

"Don't know" Felix said. Then it became silent again.

"At least the sky is pretty" he said after some time and laid down in the fields to look up at the sky.

I glanced at him and what I saw was the same calm and angelic face I'd seen the first time I saw him. The only difference was that he had his eyes open and his dark eyes were glistening from reflecting the starry sky above.

Even the surrounding was similar. The purple fields, the elevator that was actually more like a portal, behind us. There it had been sunrise or sunset, my theory was sunrise, and now it was the middle of the night. That had been at the very beginning, and this was at the very end.

There was another difference I noticed over his face too. Back there his have had been so bitter, with nothing to live for and nothing to die for. Now he had this slight smile and what seemed like hope over his face. He almost looked like he'd aged a few years and was now a mature man. Whatever it was he was looking way more attractive now than he'd done the first time I saw him, and he hadn't been unattractive back then either.

"Don't you philosophers usually like the starry night sky and the endless space and things like that that gives normal people a headache? Seems like you prefer watching me over the sky though" Felix said. He'd clearly noticed how I was staring at him.

I tilted my head backwards to look up at the sky instead. "I was just reminded of something" I said.

He'd been right about the sky. It was really pretty. A few shooting stars could still be seen from time to time.

"By what?" He wondered.

"The first time we met, you looked so alike when you were laying in the purple fields" I explained.

"You remember that?" He asked. I looked at him again and saw he was looking back at me with a frown.

"Of course, you were being really rude" I said and gave him a glare.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now