[29] - We really do jump to our deaths

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Felix's eyes were still closed and his blonde hair created a halo around his head. It was now stained with both dirt and blood though. He must've hurt his head pretty badly.

Panic rose inside of me. What if he was dead? I checked his breathing, and he was still breathing, only shallow though.

The others weren't around yet, so it was just the two of us. I noticed we'd landed on the roof of a car, which hopefully had given us a slightly softer landing.

It was still a high fall and Felix didn't seem to be waking up. His heart was beating though. I could feel it through his chest, but he was completely lifeless.

"Felix!" I cried hysterically. "Wake up, don't leave me like this!"


I felt the tears started streaming again and I wasn't doing anything to hold them back. "Come on Felix, don't play with me like this!" I continued and threw my arms around Felix to hug him while crying my eyeballs out into his shirt.

For a moment we were just laying there like that, and the others still weren't coming. I suppose they had to find a way down from the rooftop that was less deadly.

I was scared Felix was in a coma and would never wake up, or that his heartbeats would just come to a stop and he would die any second. The worst scenarios were playing though my head and I was sad I never even got the chance to make him know how much he meant to me.

Then suddenly his chest shook under me and a sound of someone coughing was heard.

I sat up straight and looked at the boy. He was awake. Although he looked so fragile his body could just fall apart from his coughing. Luckily he didn't.

Then he opened his eyes.

"Felix" I said and looked at him, a bit relieved, but still full of worry. He could still die any second, but it felt better now that he was awake.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing he asked me.

I looked at him with anger. "You're such an idiot, I hate you Felix" I said and hit him on the shoulder.

He whinced in pain and I panicked because I remembered he was probably quite severely injured.

"Sorry, I didn't mean too..." I was rambling but stopped when Felix pulled me down into his embrace in a hug.

"You're okay, that's all that matters" he said with a weak but deep voice.

"How can you be concerned about me when you're the one dying?" I asked him, still mad at him, and he clearly saw that.

He had the nerve to laugh. His whole body was shaking as he was chuckling at my reaction.

I looked at him with both worry and anger. "Stop laughing, you'll break" I said.

"I'm not dying" he then said calmly and looked at me with a smile.

"You better not" I said all grumpy. "You're not allowed to leave me Felix, you're too precious to me" I said.

What I said made him smile even more, a genuine and happy smile with surprise.

"I'm precious to you?" He asked as if those words had made his day.

How could he focus on this when he was almost dying?

"Of course you are Felix" I said.

Felix looked if possible even happier. "I like that" he said.

We were both silent for a moment as we had eye contact. "Nora, do you know why I jumped after you?" He asked.

I definitely did know. So was I going to blow my cover that was nonexistent already form the beginning?

"Because you're stupid" I said and was back to glaring at him.

"Well that too" he said. "But Nora..."

I stopped him. "You don't need to say it" I said.

He didn't say anything after that, although he pulled me in closer, so close our lips met.

Felix kissed me. And my heart was going crazy. His soft lips were touching my lips but I was too shocked to react on what was going on.

"I like you Nora" he said at last, and this time I didn't stop him. I just stared at him with big eyes.

And I said something super smart like "I- I know"  stuttering and without a functioning brain.

It was like I'd been put on pause, even my brain and heart seemed it be paused. I'd almost forgotten how to breathe even.

Then I heard voices and the sound of running feet against the ground.

"Oh my god" a voice was heard.

I sat up straight to look and the boys as they came running.

"Are you guys okay?" Jisung asked worriedly and looked at us.

"I'm fine" I said. "I'm not sure about Felix though"

Felix was still laying down and as he tried sitting up his body didn't quite want to answer him.

I helped him up so we were both sitting on the car roof, lookin down at the others.

"I'm also fine" Felix said. "It was after all only the fourth floor" he added jokingly, referring to what Jeongin's physics teacher had taught him.

"That was only for a certain death, you can die anyway" Jeongin said and was for once being dead serious for real.

"The car roof also helped" he said and was now attempting to slide down to stand up.

I stopped him so I could help him. I slid down first and noticed my ankle hadn't gotten any better from the fall. Shocker I know. Then I helped Felix down slowly and carefully along with the other's help.

He was weak, but he could stand up. He was dizzy though so we had to help him sit down again and put his head down so he wouldn't collapse. "Luckily he had a thick skull so he didn't seem to have any real concussion.

Things were really going great for us now. How were we ever supposed to get out of this place?

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя