Chapter 14:

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"We only have six minutes left!" Missy yelled.
We stopped in front of it. "Not a problem. Not a
problem. All I have to do is reprogram the rocket's
main contr-" Wheels got cut off by something covering the rocket. "What is that?" Rewind asked. Wheels pulled a tire pump out of his bag. He extended it towards the rocket. "Maybe it's uh.. He touched it and it bounced off. "A force field?" He questioned. "No, no, no, we were so close!" Missy said. "But there's no one here but us." A Capella said. "Who did this?" Noodles asked. "I did." We heard. We turned around and saw Ojo. "Ojo, did you just talk?" Noodles asked. "I could always talk. I simply chose to observe and listen instead. And what I heard was chaos, dysfunction, disharmony....just like your parents. "But that's not true.""We were working together." Missy said. "We're you? Then where's Wild Card?" She asked. "That's a good question." I said. "Hey, Wild Card, old buddy. Are you in the ships control room yet?" Missy asked. "I sure am. Just like we planned, old buddy.' "You were working together?" She asked. "Surprise!" I said. "We even sent him on a secret mission." Missy said winking.
"Isn't that right, Wild Card?" She asked. "Yep! And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it." "Since when did you except Missy As the team leader?" She asked. "Since the tunnel..... when they told me you were an alien spy." "Ojo's an alien spy?" The twins asked together. "Yep." I said "Ojo's a spy." Missy said. Ojo sprouted tentacles. "You knew. How'd you figure it out?" She asked. "You accidentally gave it away in one of your drawings." Missy said. You're art never lies. "I said. "You work for Granada, don't you?" Missy asked. "Or does Granada work for you?" "They all work for me." She answered. Then Facemaker walked in wearing Wild Cards clothes and bumped into Ojo's tentacles. He tuned around and looked at her. "What the...... Ojo's an alien!" He said pointing at her. "We know!" We yelled to him. We let him run past us. "And now you can be impressed.... and soon as I figure out which one of these buttons removes the shield." "Knowing the aliens, it's probably a big button with a picture of a shield on it." Wheels said. "Oh!" That means he found it. Then the shield came down and we all cheered "I hate to spoil your celebration... but there's still two minutes left." She said pointing to the countdown clock. "Game's not over yet." She pulled out her stylist and started drawing. Then a monster started coming out of her table screen. It got bigger and bigger. "Uh-oh!" Guppy said. "We'll hold it off. You find a way to stop the launch." Missy told Wheels. "It's not an it. It's a them!" He said pointing up. More monsters were behind us. "Well then you better hurry!" I yelled. "Come on, everyone. It's time we show these guys what we're made of." Missy said as we all got into fighting positions. "Wild Card, you have to keep those shields down. Missy called. "Don't worry, Missy. I'm on it." "Everyone spread out!" I yelled. "Slo-Mo, attack!" Missy yelled. "Guppy, waterslide!" I saw Missy push Slo-Mo. Then Slo-Mo speed up. He went fast. I looked over and saw Fast Forward and Rewind holding hands and using their powers together to speed him up. "I'm running out of water!" Guppy said. "Guppy, make ninja stars." Missy told her. "Noodles, slingshot!" Missy yelled. "Somebody pull Noodles!" Missy said.
Slo-Mo pulled Noodles' arm back. Guppy placed the ninja stars on the slingshot. Slo-Mo let go of Noodles and two of the monsters got pinned to the wall. We cheered. "I'm out. I need water." Guppy said.
"Hey, Guppy. This whole thing is covered in liquid metal. Liquid!" Wheels said. Guppy went to get some. I flew at the monster hitting it repeatedly. I looked back and saw Guppy had made a giant metal shark. She got on it and signaled me to move so I ran back over to Missy. Guppy rode the shark and had it bite two of the monsters. We cheered for her. "Not so fast." Ojo said. She drew more monsters. "Noodles, make a tightrope. Missy said. "Somebody go on to the center and draw them in. Missy said. We all went to walk onto it. "No, wait!" She said. "I have to do this. I can do this." She said walking out onto the tightrope. "Y/n when I say the word save me" she rubbed my arm saying. A Capella flew into the air and started singing but did not like the touching Missy was doing to my arm. Missy led the monsters in. She then signaled for Noodles to cut the tightrope. He pulled his arm in. Missy started falling, but as she was falling she gave the signal I flew as fast as I could and swooped her up and we both landed back on the platform, with her waving bye to the monsters.

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