Chapter 7:

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                                      Y/Ns POV:

I could feel my body aching from how tired I was, sure I have super strength but I'm still a kid you can only hold it for so long, noodles kept coming out to check on me said Acapella was worried I thought it was so cute and sweet "hey Supernova you okay?" Noodles hollered I looked at him and he could tell I was drained "tell them I need help please pal" I hugged tirelessly he had a look of worry and raced back into the tram. He then came back out showing me where to go and I nodded, I started to fly down towards it, all of a sudden I felt weak, sleepy, next thing I know we crash into some type of gazebo thing. We all groaned in pain. We then heard a women screaming. "Ah! My begonias! Get out of my flower bed, you little termites!" She yelled. Acapella raced to me as I climbed out of the rubble, she held me "Y/n are you okay" I laughed and stood up "yes babygirl I'm alright" she blushed at the nickname and idk what came over me but I grabbed her face and kissed her she kissed back immediately then we pulled away " I'm sorry I just needed to do that, before it was to late" she smiled and hugged me "took ya long enough" we both laughed and walked over to where Missy was hugging her aubuela We all ran out of the tram. "No way! Missy, your grandmother's Anita Moreno?" Noodles asked. "I mean it's kind of obvious. Same last name. An ex
Heroic. Like come on people pay attention to
detail." I said "The trainer of the Heroics." Rewind said."She's a legend." Facemaker said. "No, you have to be dead to be a legend, honey. She told him. "Oh, mi amor." She said hugging Missy. "I'm alive and well, which is more than I can say for my gazebo, hmm?" She said to us. We all looked to Y/n. "Sorry." I said. "We're in trouble, Grandma, and we need a place to hide. "To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that." She said to her. She pointed up to the sky. "That thing is moving into position."
"She's right. We only have two hours left. Won't be
long now until the takeover begins." Wheels said looking at his ipad. "Everybody, get inside. Come, come. Come." She said letting us inside. "You have a beautiful home Miss Moreno." I told her. "Thank you. Would anybody like some lemonade?" She asked us. We nodded and said sure. She lead us to the kitchen and made us lemonade. She then gave us a lecture on how we have to stop the aliens."But we're children." Rewind said. "Yes, the children of the Heroics. If anyone is gonna save the world, it's you, because all of you have superpowers." She announced. "Super lame powers. " Facemaker said. I patted his back. "Speak for yourself." Wild Card said. I hit him in the back of the head and made him apologize. "Hmm.. This is no way to be a super team." She told us. "Abuelita's right. Aliens are about to invade, and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet, we're gonna need to do it now." Missy said. "Are you saying that... we can be superheroes?" A Capella asked. "Well, yeah. I guess that kinda is what I'm saying. Missy said sitting down. "And I agree." I said. She smiled at me and I
returned it. "We can be heroes. Just for one day!" We all laughed. "Sorry, it was there for the taking.' She replied. I grabbed her hand and she smiled laying her head on my shoulder "I need you all to maximize your powers." Miss Moreno told us.
"Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole
life, so if you have any ideas, I'm all ears." Wild
Card said. As he said it Facemaker put his head behind Wild Cards and made his ears big so it looked like Wild Card had big ears. We laughed at it. "It's not about who is the strongest or fastest. It's about working together, and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader." Miss Moreno told us. "That would be my sister ." Wild Card said raising his hand. "I was actually talking about Missy but thank you. Follow me!" Wild card and Missy's jaws dropped. "Quickly. Quickly! Fast. Fast!" She yelled. I followed behind Missy and Wild Card. She lead is out to her backyard. "I don't want to lead Missy has that right I'm better off being on the side " I shrugged and wildcard nodded "Hmm. Welcome to mv training ground." She said "Let's boogie." She said.

My angelic Voice (Acapella x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now