Chapter 2:

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When the door opened none of us looked up.
"Everyone..." Ms. Granada said making us look up
at her. Next to her was this girl who looked around
our age she was cute but my heart it all for Acapella. "this is Missy. She will be joining you today. Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there and quietly continue your studies along with the other children." I watched her walk over and sit next to Fast Forward. She kept looking at me and was smiling i looked away uncomfortable I saw Acapella looking at her glaring daggers into her so I looked at her and winked and she looked at me smiling. "Children.thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior. Well done." Ms. Granada said. She chuckled and walked out. We went back to "working". We heard the door shut and I watched Noodles extend his neck to the door. "She's gone!" He whisper yelled. I rolled my eyes and got up walking over to Ojo . she was watching guppy make a water plane float around Missy's head. "Missy this is Y/n or supernova she has every power imaginable and it so cool to see". He was boasting I smiled and stuck my hand out "pleasure to meet you missy" I said she grabbed my hand smiling back with a wink I shrugged it off. That's when Acapella came over standing very close to me leaning on me which I tried to not blush about it. "This is Acapella she — " has a beautiful voice" I said smiling at her she blushed and turned away smiling "it's true but I have an unusual range I can go high and really low, I can even go super high listen" *ahhhhhh* "I didn't hear anything" missy said confused, "it's beyond human hearing" "Miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the
neighborhood has surrounded our building." Ms. Granada announced. We laughed. Just then A Capella started singing low making objects float. The table shook. I looked over and saw facemaker standing on top of a chair that A Capella was making float. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Afterwards I ran over to Facemaker, "Two packs of candy for crossing our eyes." He told Noodles. "Okay." Noodles replied. Noodles crossed his eyes. "Beat that!" Facemaker made his eyes switch places. "It's impossible!" Noodles said. "I can even change my face to look like... you." He told Noodles. He pressed his hands on his face and when he took them off he had Noodles' face instead of his own. "He's cheating! I can't compete with that!" Noodles yelled Facemaker put his face back to normal. Noodles made his fist big and slammed it on the table breaking it. "Rewind, clean up on aisle two." Wheels said.
Rewind came in and rewound time fixing the table.
He and A Capella then took the table while I
handed Facemaker the exercise ball. He set it down and Noodles hit it instead making it pop. It sent Facemaker flying across the room. He grabbed the rope to stop himself. I was laughing at him. "And "then, there's Wild Card, Y/n's little brother he has the same powers as his sister". "True." Wild Card replied. I watched Facemaker walk up to him. "Sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he
can't focus his energy, they show up randomly." He
said. "But I was right! He can't control his powers!"
Facemaker complained. I let him go making him
fall. "Also true..... until now that is. Teleport!" He yelled. Instead his book caught on fire. I heard Facemaker snicker and I punched him again making him shut up. Guppy came to the rescue with a fire truck made of water. She put the fire out with ease. "Don't worry little brother you'll get the hang of it a lot better than before I promise". I said patting his back he smirked and then looked towards missy "So, new girl. what's your superpower?" Wild Card
asked. I walked over. "Yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing "Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid." Facemaker said sitting down pointing at her. "Oh yeah! That's right." I agreed with him. "Yeah, my dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while, so I've been chilling with the normal kids. "Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with the normal kids? Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers." Wild Card said. I punched him making him fall to the ground. "Don't be a jerk. Having or not having powers doesn't matter." I told him. "You're powerless?" Wheels asked. What did I just say?" I exclaimed. Whatever. Can we put on the TV? I want to see if there's any news about our parents." She said sitting down. We all went to our seats and sat down too and Wheels pushed the button on his ipad that brings down the TV.

My angelic Voice (Acapella x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now