He smiled while he smiled at Fareeda, "Good evening, Hamma," she greeted and with a confused expression, Yazeed turned to look at Jalilah.

"What does that mean?" He asked with a chuckle.

"It means brother in Fulani, you know most the people in Adamawa are Fulani. She calls me Addah, which means sister." Oh, that was it? He smiled and turned his pleasantries to Fareeda. They spoke for some moment before she left and Jalilah smiled at him.

She served them in a plate and sat beside him, making sure she left a reasonable space between them. "I'm sure you'd enjoy it, and there's a fresh cow's milk, I'll bring it for you after we're done." She smiled at him, and silently, they began taking their food. She was trying all she could to act normal, to sound like her old self, as if she wasn't afraid of what would happen if she spoke to Mama in front of him.

After they were done, she went to the fridge as promised and brought out a bowl of fresh milk, handing it to him with a smile. "If I want, I can confuse you with Fulani, but I'm not that mean. So, Hamma Yazeed, have this milk, it's the best here so far." He collected the bowl and glared at her.

"What's with the Hamma?" He asked, stirring the milk and imagining how it will taste on his lips. It looked so fresh and delicious.

"Oh, sorry, it should have been Gorko am, right?" She asked and chuckled when he seemed more confused. She loved confusing him, and right now there was no way she was telling him that Gorko is meant, my husband.

"Jalilah, you can't be confusing me with this Fulani. What's the meaning of that?" He asked and fixed his eyes on her while taking his milk.

"Maybe you can ask Mama that, I'm sure she will tell you." She chuckled and palmed her face to block away from the fierce look he threw her way. Ya Allah, the more they spent time together the more she found it so hard not to like this guy. She knew liking him wasn't safe for her, but there was no way she could stop her heart from doing that. It just occurred to her, to those flight attendants, there were newly married, and if they were, he was her gorko.

He didn't say anything to her until he was done and he placed the bowl down, it was only halfway through, he couldn't take the whole of it. "I'm done. Can you call her now?" He asked, and she could see he was getting back to that serious Yazeed that she hated with everything she had in her.

"Will you stop sulking your face? Be your smiling face, please?" He shook his head and stubbornly looked away from her sight, she wasn't the only one that was stubborn.

"Please? What if I promise to dance for you? I mean, you've never seen me practiced ballet, right?" He wanted to say he had, and that was the most amazing sight he had of her until date, but he stopped himself from saying that because she would know that he sometimes deliberately waited in the office until he was sure she had started her classes just so he could see her dancing. He had done that times he didn't care to count, even when he had her changed from his office, the times they had spent without speaking, and he was sure she did all she could to avoid seeing him in the company, he always waited until she started dancing before he closed for the day.

Ever since he saw her the first day she had danced, having a flashback of the way she danced with that smile on her lips had always been the only thing that helped him fell asleep in no time. "Yes, I've never seen you. I don't think you're a good dancer. And no, you can't bribe me with that, call her."

She stomped her feet on the floor with a pout on her lips, "Come on, Yazeed. She would say I'm lying if you keep on sulking your face. Please?" She gave him her best puppy smile that Yazeed had no choice but to nod his head at her without even knowing he did.

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