15: The Flight Game

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"You've had your breakfast? Won't you join me?" He shook his head.

"I don't eat whenever I'm traveling. Go ahead, we're running out of time, Jalilah." She nodded her head and walked back to the house while turning to make sure he was still there with every step she had taken.

She was out in no time, as if she hadn't left just a few minutes ago. She was holding her small traveling trolley and her smile was just more of seeing him. She was excited that she was finally going back home, finally getting what she wanted after years of only wishing. She put the trolley in the back seat and sat in the passengers. "I'm all set to go, Boss."

He scoffed and ignited the car to life, "Stop being sarcastic, Jalilah."

"I wasn't being sarcastic, I'm just truly excited, you know?" She grinned and clapped her hands together. She brought out her phone and then she was nervous. Turning to look at him, she questioned. "I haven't told Mama that I'll be coming home today, I'm a little bit nervous."

"Should I take you back home then?" He sarcastically asked, and she whined before she pouted her lips and shook her head.

"Come on, you know that's not what I mean. I'm just nervous, you know why we're going there."

"You can do this, Jalilah, okay? Just call her, she's your mother for crying out loud."

She raised her hands up in surrender, "Okay, I'll call her now. Be as quiet as you could ever be. If it's possible, don't even breath, she might suspect something."

He threw his head back and laughed while shaking his head, "You're just so pathetic. I can't breath? Is this your new way of murdering me or what...?" She raised her hands up to her lips and made the sealing sign, she had already called Mama.

"Hello, Mamaaa..." She drawled lovingly with a smile on her lips. She knew the best way to get to Mama was by acting all loving and whiny.

"Jalilah am, how are you doing?" Came the coolest voice of Mama, and somehow, Jalilah found the courage she had missed. She knew she had to do this for herself. She loved doing this, right? Then she would.

"I'm fine, Mama. How are you and how's home?"

"Everything is fine. I hope you're fine too?"

"I am, Mama. Guess what?" She tried to sound all excited while in the actual truth, she was nervous as hell.

"The moment I heard your voice I knew something was wrong. What's it? What do you want to tell me?" She chuckled and felt light within.

"I'm coming home! Today! I'm on my way to the airport already."

Mama let out a happy squeal that made Jalilah more excited than she seemed. "So you've missed us this much? I wanted to ask you to come back home, but I figured I should let you do that on your own accord. You're welcome hone, Jalilah am, we can't wait to see you."

Jalilah chuckled, but her voice dropped down. "But I have a surprise with me, Mama. I'm coming along with it, something you've never imagine."

"What is it? Tell me already. Have you gotten that flawless skin you've been ranting about? Or you've ate a lot of junks and gained some weight? I would've love it if it were." She laughed and shook her head as if she could see her.

"I won't tell you, I said it is a surprise for a reason, Mama. Just get ready to welcome me home. Ask Fareeda to clean my room to its highest point of spark." They conversed a bit more before she ended the call and heaved a sigh, as if she had been holding her breath for all the minutes she had been on the call.

Yazeed turned to look at her with an amused smile, "You seem to have a good relationship with her, you're so lucky to have a mother in your life." Sadness lingered in his last words, but as much as Jalilah wanted to ask her what he meant with him words, she knew he wouldn't answer her. If he wanted to tell her everything, he would do that without her probing him for it. She nodded her head with a soft smile and silence prevailed in the room until they arrived at the airport.

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