11: The Beauty Goddess

Start from the beginning

She shook her head as she began peeling off the screen guard, "No, it's just the screen guard that crashed. It's doing fine, I'll get a new one on our way back. Let's leave." She had never fixed her eyes on something so hard like this, she knew just a few more minutes standing like this will be a failure to her, and she softly dragged Wafiyya away.

She heaved a sigh when they had walked a few feet away from him, "Woah, that was a hard girl. You didn't even look up to his face."

She smiled sadly and replied to her, "I had no reason to, I wondered what he was standing there for, he could have just walked away."

Wafiyya giggled as she guided her into the house, the sat in the living room and she looked at her before she stood up, "I'll get something for you to eat, Jalilah, you can sleep after that." She was walking with backward steps when she lifted her hands and began speaking while listing with her fingers. "I think he had enough reasons to stood there, one; he's the kind of person that even if he looks not so nice, he always makes sure if he damages something of yours, he has to rectify that damage. And two, Jalilah, you look terrifyingly beautiful for him not to stay rooted to his spot under the pretense of wanting to make sure that your phone is doing fine. Please, I know seeing like that while you ignored his freaking existence was full-time torture." She giggled and rushed into the kitchen without waiting for a reply from Jalilah.

She pondered over her words, if what Wafiyya said was true, then she didn't even know what she was feeling. And hated it when he was the cause of damage? Was she sure she heard her right when she implied that he made sure he rectify that damage? Someone should please go to him and tell him that he had damaged her self esteem, yes she knew his words weren't enough to make her feel low of herself, but she did, and still do. She hadn't voiced it to anyone, but deep down she knew his words had infected her soul in a bad way, and she had to work on that very soon. She needed no clarification from him.

Wafiyya waled out of the kitchen holding two plates and a maid followed her with drinks in another tray. She placed everything on the center table beside Jalilah and sat next to her, placing her hand on Jalilah's lap, she smiled. "My cousin is a very good man, please don't hold any grudge onto him for long."

She didn't want to be talking about him lest he walk in and he would think that she was so obsessed to have her mind and mouth off him. She dramatically looked around the living room before she asked, "Where's Ilham? I haven't seen her, Sulaiman too."

"Oh, they have gone out for her makeup, I've told Sulaiman that I can doll up his face with even half the price, but that man is so wicked he couldn't let me earn on a weekend. He said I didn't know anything and took her to the makeup studio himself claiming that he didn't want anyone to see her enhanced beauty first." She giggled and Jalilah smiled to herself, she loved the way Sulaiman loved his wife and make it so prominent that you have no choice but to admire them.

"Let's eat then before they're back. And I'm still sleepy as hell, Wafiyya I should have stayed home and pampered myself." They brought the plates closer to them when Wafiyya glared at her and replied.

"But you look like an angel in a human's clothing, I think that will be worthy of your sleep." She couldn't deny that compliment. For looking her best today, she even felt it within herself and all thanks to Wafiyya for restoring her lost confidence which she didn't speak to anyone about.

They ate their food while laconically chatting, mostly Wafiyya doing the talking that Jalilah wondered if she was indeed the one. Because the last time she remembered, Wafiyya was one of the cool souls out there, she hardly spoke too much but she was serving her a new Wafiyya version today.

"Do you normally talk this way or it's only today?" She couldn't help but ask, and Wafiyya laughed before she nodded her head.

"I only talk this way when I get comfortable around you, so yes, congratulations Jalilah for getting to that point in my life." She mockingly nudged her shoulder and Jalilah scrunched up her face playfully.

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