Chapter 40

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Then there was a gunshot. Aaron's heart dropped afraid that it was Ian who pulled the trigger, but it wasn't, it was Jennifer. When Aaron moved to the right Ian turned a little and Jennifer had a clear shot which she used.

Ian fell to the ground and a pool of blood started forming around his head as Emily fell herself. Aaron and Jennifer rushed to her. "Em, Em-"

"Jack?" Emily asked between sobs and Aaron told her that Jack was fine.

"Let's get you to a hospital." Aaron said in a gentle tone and picked Emily up. "Can someone stay here-"

"Yeah, go, go!" Jennifer told Aaron. "I'll take Jack to Hailey."

"Thanks." Then Aaron went upstairs with Emily. Dave, Spencer and Derek saw him but none of them dared to go anywhere near Aaron until he put Emily in the car. Then they went to him.

"What happened?" Spencer was the first to ask.

"Son of a bitch raped her." Aaron was almost crying himself. "I think he starved her, she's light as a feather, anything more I can't say. I'll meet you at the hospital when you're done."

Then Aaron went into the car. He found Emily sobbing and reached for her hand, but she moved away. "Emily we're going to the hospital."

"No." Emily shook her head. "I don't need a consult." She tried to regulate her breathing and Aaron waited until she did so until he spoke again.

"What happened to you?" Aaron asked and Emily closed her eyes. "What did he do?"

"Just beatings, little water, little food, and today he, he, well, you heard." Emily whispered the last words as she laid back in her seat. "Can we go?"

"Where?" Aaron asked as he reached for her seatbelt, barely touching her. Then he put on his own and started driving.

"Penelope's please." Emily said after thinking a little. She didn't want to go to one of the other guys, not because they couldn't help or weren't good enough, but because they didn't know as much and even if they did, they kept it for themselves. Then she didn't say Jennifer because she had her boys at home and she wished she could say Aaron, but she figured he would want to be with Jack that night.

"All right." Aaron respected her wish and called Penelope on the way there so she could head home from the headquarters so she was there when he got there with Emily.

"Sergio?" Emily asked and Penelope gave her a sad smile. "What happened to him?"

"Doyle killed him. He had a note attached to his neck threatening us you'd be next." Aaron explained and Emily held back her tears. "I'm sorry Emily." She nodded her head and forced a smile. "Do you need anything before I go?"

"Thanks." Emily said as she shook her head. "I'm ok."

"You always are." Aaron said, but he wasn't smiling, then he turned to Penelope.

"I'll stop by later with some food and some of Emily's clothes. Do you need anything?" He asked Penelope and the blonde shook her head.

"Thank you."

After Aaron left, Emily let herself fall onto Penelope's very coloured couch. "Oh love." Penelope went a bit closer to her, but not too close, she didn't dare sit on the couch knowing what had happened. "Do you want something? Water? Food? A shower? To sleep?"

"No." Emily shook her head. She needed a while to just sit, that was all she needed. "I just need a moment."

"Ok." Penelope nodded her head and she went to sit on her armchair, every once in a while turning to look at Emily to see if she managed to fall asleep or anything of the sort. She kept on doing so for almost an hour until Aaron came back knocking on the door.

"Anything?" Aaron entered when Penelope opened the door and he put the food on the counter.

"No. Are you sure she doesn't need a doctor?" Penelope whispered and Emily could've heard, but she was paying no attention to them, so she didn't hear a word.

"No." Aaron shook his head and he went towards Emily. "Em, you've got to eat." He knelt down in front of Emily and placed his hand slowly on her leg, she didn't flinch, she just looked into his eyes.

"A little." Emily whispered, then she dared speak louder. "If I eat too much I'll throw up."

"Ok, a little is fine." Aaron turned to Penelope and she was already bringing him the paper bag with food in it. He took out a burger from her favourite place. "I also got you something." He told Penelope when she took the bag back. "Here." Aaron unwrapped the sandwich and handed it to Emily.

Emily took it and ate half of it in silence until she gave it back to Aaron. "Here." Penelope gave Emily a bottle of water and the brunette thanked her. "No problem, anything else Emily?"

Emily shook her head. "A bath." She whispered and Aaron was quick to stand up, but Penelope said she'd run it and he should stay with Emily.

"I'm sorry." Aaron told Emily as soon as Penelope entered the bathroom. "We should've found we sooner, I should've found you sooner."

"It's ok."

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