Chapter 2

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Foyet threw the phone away and he made Emily stand up just to hit her left side of her face with his gun. She almost fell to the ground and when Foyet saw she was still standing he hit her in the stomach with his knee which made her fall on the floor. Emily curled up in a ball for just a moment because Foyet had her on her back. She had never felt terrified around an unsub, especially because this time she knew she had to make all the fun he was having last otherwise he would hurt Jack. "Scared now, Emily?"

"You're pathetic." Emily spat out and Foyet hit her in the face again.

"Who's pathetic now?" He asked as he ripped open her shirt. "Look at you." Foyet smiled as he pressed his gun to her bare skin and moved it from her belly near her mouth. "Scary?" He asked as Emily breathed heavily. "You're mine and you can thank dear Hotch for that."

Foyet had his gun at her head making sure she didn't move a bit as he pulled down her pants, just enough to torment her. Emily closed her eyes as he fondled her with his free hand, she was disgusted but most of all she was scared, she was beyond terrified.

"Open your eyes bitch!" Foyet yelled at her and Emily did as told. If it weren't for Jack being upstairs somewhere she would've defied Foyet, she would've done everything to make him kill her because what he was doing was worse. "You like this, don't you?"

"Go to hell!" Emily whispered. Foyet stopped touching her and he stood up, his gun pointed at her as he undid his pants. Emily looked up at the ceiling praying that Aaron and the team would get there fast.

"You're my bitch now!" He stated as he moved between her legs. The moment Emily felt him she tried to fight him, to move away, but she was hit again and again until moving even a little was painful. That's when she stopped, she stood still and he had her. The touching, the penetration, his words, everything seemed to go on forever.

Emily was about to start begging Foyet to kill her, the pain, the humiliation, it was all more than she had ever experienced. But Jack was upstairs. At some point she thought she heard sirens, she assumed it was her imagination, but when a bullet was put through her stomach she knew it wasn't.

Then Foyet was gone. She saw him going upstairs just as the team burst into the house, Aaron was first. "Is she-"

"Jack." She wasn't heard, but Hotch read her lips, so did JJ.

"Go! I got her." JJ knelt down, she covered Emily's body with a blanket so she wouldn't be fully exposed to anyone. She put pressure on her gunshot wound. "Emily, Emily can you hear me? Say something!"

"Auch." Emily whispered and JJ was finally able to breathe out.

"An ambulance is on the way, just hold on, ok?"

As JJ stood there with Emily everyone else rushed to get to Foyet. Jack was taken outside from his hiden spot and to his mother who was waiting in a car. Derek was the one to get to Foyet first followed by Aaron then the rest. He was cornered and with a gun. "It's over Foyet, put it down."

"Funny, but no." Foyet knew what he was doing when he lifted the gun and pointed it at the cop's in front of him, it was suicide. He didn't get it the way he deserved, but he was gone.

"Prentiss." Aaron whispered as he turned around and rushed downstairs. Emily was still laying on the floor with JJ next to her. "JJ?"

"She's alive." JJ said immediately.

"For now." Emily whispered. Hotch knelt down to her other side, there was so much blood.

"Where is the damn ambulance?" Aaron asked and was told that it was stuck on some road. "What?" He wanted another answer but there wasn't one. "Emily, I'm gonna pick you up. We'll get you to the hospital ok?"

"H-Hotch." Emily spoke so quietly he had to get so close to her that her lips almost touched his face. "Jack? Is he-?"

"Yes, he's ok." Aaron answered immediately and pulled away. "I'll pick you up now, is probably gonna hurt."

And Aaron picked her up. He made sure her body was covered. "How bad does it hurt?" He asked her as he walked with her to the car outside but she didn't answer. "Emily! Emily!" He called her name but nothing came out of her mouth. He put her down in the car and JJ got in with her as Aaron checked her pulse. "Thank god."

Then he drove like crazy to the hospital. The moment they got there Emily was taken into the OR and nothing more was said to them. "Hotch?" JJ had to call his name three times before he turned to look at her. "Did Foyet say anything about what he's done to her?"

"No." Aaron shook his head. "I need some air." He turned around and went outside of the hospital. He didn't want to be around anyone, but as soon as he walked out the doors he saw Spencer, David, Derek and Penelope.

"How is she?" David asked the question, he was the only one that dared to speak.

Aaron got himself together, he needed to be the one who was on point, no crying, no nothing, even though he knew that if Emily died, a part of him
would die with her. "In surgery, JJ is inside, let's go."

Hard to Love {A Hotchniss Story}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat