Chapter 13

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Aaron pulled Emily out of the interrogation room. It was only the two of them since the others were out canvassing the area. "You don't have to do it Emily." Aaron didn't want her doing something that could hurt her, especially because he saw the look in her eyes.

"I do if it helps us find Amber." Emily took a deep breath. "Whether she's dead or alive, it'll help the family with some closure. Let me do it Hotch."

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" The idea of leaving Emily alone with Stephen wasn't appealing, but Aaron knew she could handle him if it was the case. What he was thinking about was whether she wanted to share more of what happened to him also.

"Yes but no." Emily knew how weird it sounded because it was literally not a specific answer. But Aaron understood it.

"I'll be behind the glass." Aaron gave Emily the most understanding look and she smiled at him. "Get him Emily." She smiled wider before she turned around and walked back inside the interrogation room.

"You have five questions. That's it and then you tell me where Amber is." Emily firmly said as she sat back down on the chair in front of Stephen.

"For how long had Daddy touched you Honey?" Stephen chuckled when he noticed disgust on Emily's face. He loved being able to have that effect on any girl and woman.

"Ten years." Emily wasn't phased by his question, she expected that one.

"Did you ever have an orgasm?" Stephen saw Emily freeze. He hit a spot and he knew it.

Aaron from the other side of the glass could only see her back, but her body was tense and her posture changed. He wanted to walk right into that room and take her out, but he knew she'd walk out herself if it turned out to be too much for the moment. He also knew she might regret it afterwards, but it was her choice and he was going to respect that.

"It was something I couldn't control, rape to be exact, but yes." She felt the need to explain herself because of it. Emily had no idea why, she thought that maybe it was because she still felt guilty for her physical reaction, but in her mind she knew that it wasn't because she enjoyed it. She could've never enjoyed something like that.

"You let it happen for ten years, you must've liked something about Daddy if you let him touch you for so long." Stephen smiled wickedly as Emily's face became whiter by the second. "Why didn't you fight him?"

"What makes you think I didn't?" Emily shot back with a question. But his assumption was right, she never tried to fight him.

"If you had fought him it wouldn't have happened for so long." Stephen shrugged his shoulders. "Answer my question Emily."

"Because I was too scared and after I wasn't scared anymore I was disgusted with myself." Emily spoke fast and quietly hoping Aaron wouldn't hear. And he didn't hear it the first time but Stephen asked her to say it again, clearer and louder because he couldn't understand her so Emily repeated and Aaron heard every single word. "Two questions."

"When you think of his hands on you, his mouth on your body-" Stephen was playing with her. He was having fun anyone could notice that. "-when he was inside you-"

"Get to the point!" Emily interrupted him because she hated the way he spoke, she hated remembering all those things he was talking about.

"Play nice or you'll never find Amber." Stephen demanded and Emily had to refrain herself from saying something that would jeopardise her mission. "What did you say to him whenever he was doing those things?"

"I would tell him to-"

"Exact words, pretend I'm him. Address those words to me." Stephen cut her off.

Emily started picking the skin around her nails, she knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help it. "Why Da-Daddy? Please stop, stop Daddy, I don't like it! I used to keep repeating these words." Those were many words she left out, but she couldn't say everything, she didn't want to and Stephen seemed satisfied with what he's got. "One question."

"If you didn't report him-" Stephen didn't know whether she did or not and he wanted to know the answer to his question. "-it means you loved what he was doing so much, doesn't it? It's not about fear or disgust, it's about loving every single thing he ever did to-"

"They found her!" Aaron burst into the room after speaking to David. "Amber is alive and you are never going to see the light of day." After telling Stephen that he looked at Emily who was on her feet ready to walk out. When he first saw the look on her face she seemed strong, way too pale, but like the questions didn't bother her at all.

However, as soon as they were out of the room Emily's face changed. She looked defeated and didn't even try to hide it the way she usually would. "Hotch." That's all she could get out before tears fell from her eyes.

"I got you Emily." Aaron hugged her tightly with no hesitation and Emily melted in his arms. He didn't know how much tine she needed but he was going to give her that.

At one point the door opened and JJ walked in. Emily pulled back and wiped away her tears as Aaron said he'd go and handle the final things for closing the case while JJ spoke to Emily. "What was that? Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Emily explained exactly what happened and she didn't give JJ time to say anything about it before she asked her a question. "You're a mom. Do you think my mother knew what my father was doing?"

"I don't know your parents Em." JJ sighed. "But a mother usually knows if something is going on with her child."

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