Chapter 1

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They were in the round table room. Everyone was standing which was unusual, but the case was unusual, Foyet escaped and he was after Aaron which meant he was after Haley, who was also there, and after Jack. "So what is going to happen?"

"You and Jack will go into protective custody. You know what this means Haley." Aaron explained it to her a few times before when it was a factor in other cases.

"Wouldn't it be a good idea to have them put into protective custody separately?" Emily asked and everyone looked at her since no one expected to hear that question.

"I'm not leaving my son alone." Haley protested, but she noticed Hotch was giving it some thought. "Are you really considering this?"

"I don't want Jack being alone, but Foyet is smart, it would be smarter to have you two put separately." Aaron had to admit Emily's idea was good, but it had one flaw. "He needs to know one of the people staying with him, at least one of them."

"I can go." Emily offered after silence dominated the room for almost a minute. "Jack knows me." She played with him on multiple occasions and she knew for a fact Jack loved her cat Sergio. "I will protect him with everything I have if you allow me to go with him Haley." Emily addressed to Haley for two reasons, Haley didn't seem convinced and second because she hated the look on Aaron's face, he was scared, Aaron was never scared.

"You trust her, right?" Haley asked Aaron and Emily found herself obligated to look at him when she felt his eyes on her.

"I do." Aaron said simply, no emotion in his voice and he seemed to have relaxed thinking Emily would be there to protect his son. "Then we have it, Prentiss and a friend of mine, another agent, Sam."

Everything was done exactly the way Hotch ordered it. However, Foyet was smart, he wasn't smarter than them but he was smart. He had a choice, follow Jack or follow Haley. Knowing the choice that would hurt Aaron the most he followed Jack and found him and Emily. He was quick to kill the agent that was with them and make Emily believe he was another agent trying to help them and not Foyet.

Emily and Jack were inside the house, bags packed when Foyet entered, the moment she saw him she drew out her gun and tried to step in front of Jack but he was too far away and Foyet had his gun pointed at the kid. "Emily Prentiss, you're not Haley."

"Put the gun down Foyet." Emily warned, but she was the one at the disadvantage.

"It takes less than a second for me to K-I-L-L the boy, put your gun down or that second will be now." Foyet watched Emily for a few moments thinking she wouldn't listen to him, but she did, she put the gun on the ground. "Kick it away." Again, she did as told. "Good girl."

"Leave Jack alone." Emily looked for a moment at the little boy, he was looking at her with big eyes. "What do you-"

"Come on, we're going on a little trip." Foyet threw Emily some handcuffs and told her to cuff herself. "Hands beyind your back." For her it was over, she knew it, he was gonna take her out first then Jack just to terrify the kid and torment Aaron by making him wait. So all Emily had to do was get them some time.

Emily cuffed herself then Foyet took them outside to a car he had stolen. Jack was in the backseat and Emily in the front. Foyet didn't answer any question that Emily had until they arrived at the house, at Aaron's old house, the one he moved out from. They were in the living room and Foyet let Jack play with his toys as he called Aaron while sitting next to Emily on the couch. "My friend."

Emily couldn't hear what Aaron said but it certainly seemed to be funny to Foyet. "You shouldn't have played me." He warned Aaron after listening for a little while. "Haley, I would've K-I-L-L-E-D, but Emily here, well she's gonna have it worse before she D-I-E-S, all because of you Agent Hotchner. All you had to do was accept my deal, but you didn't so with Emily good luck. Anything you wanna tell her or Jack before they both D-I-E?"

Foyet put Aaron on speaker. "Jack, Jack do you hear me?" The kid stood up and answer him. "Good, I need you to work the case Jack, do you understand me? Work the case son!"

"Yes Dad." Jack answered.

"I love you Jack." Aaron said in a whisper and Jack said it back before running upstairs. "Emily?"

"Yes." He was serious, more than serious, Emily noticed that by the sound of his voice. "Jack's ok and don't worry, I'm not scared." Foyet fed on fear, on weakness, she was terrified, but she didn't want Aaron to know. Even if Foyet did, she wanted Aaron to worry as little as possible because Jack was fine and she was certain he would get there in time to save her too. "I'll be fine Hotch."

"Anyway, time's up, my turn to play, bye Hotch."

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Hi, this is my first fanfic (posted) that's not about Falice. I hope you guys enjoy it, please let me know what you think of it.❤️

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