Start from the beginning

There's something in my eye.

Sameer quotes French poet Paul Valéry: "The wind is rising. We must try to live." He adds, "Goodbye, Anokhi. Thank you." Then he, too, dissolves into the breeze.

Shaurya wakes up with Nicky's headband in his hand. He knows what it means, and carefully folds away her pink blazer for the last time. Anokhi sniffles in front of her mirror, hands over her face. She tells him Nicky left, "After doing this" - and shows him her face.
Nicky gets the last penultimate laugh after all, because across Anokhi's forehead, thoroughly misspelled, she's scribbled "vicious chick."

Anokhi bawls that she fell asleep for just a moment, and that's when Nicky left. Shaurya consoles her by calling her "Sister" in Nicky's voice, telling her she'll mess up her makeup.

In the hospital, Shaurya's dad opens his eyes. Shaurya gets the news from Chief Makkhan, who adds that Dad wants to atone for the past, and so wants to see Anokhi and his son together. Shaurya hurries from Anokhi's house, saying he'll see her at his house later.

While he drives, he clutches his ringing head, roiling with suspicions of Dad's involvement in Sridevi's death.
At Shaurya's house, Anokhi finds a lump hiding under the covers in her room. She peels the cover back and is greeted by Ronny's giant teddy bear. From behind it, Shaurya peeks out. He gazes at her with limpid eyes, and waves the bear's paw. Realization dawns, and Anokhi tentatively asks, "Rohit?"

She says the bear's name is Rohit, and Anokhi finishes - her name is Shaurya, isn't it? We see the little girl now, and Anokhi tells her she knows, "Because you... are me." She explains that she's little Shaurya's adult self, and little Shaurya is her child-self. She lovingly tells her younger self how happy and loved she is now, "So much that it overflows."

She wants to say one more thing : Back then, when that uncle was angry, it wasn't because she did anything wrong. Telling her not to be scared or hurt anymore, she reassures the little girl that it's okay for her to go now. She'll look after Shaurya Shreeman. But little Shaurya can't go alone because she doesn't know the way. She asks Anokhi to call Mr. X. But who is Mr. X? "My daddy," the little girl replies.

A memory. The two children draw pictures on the basement floor, and little Anokhi looks longingly towards the door. If her dad were there, she says, they could get out. Shaurya tells her he heard her dad was dead, which makes her cry.

Shaurya, you heartbreaker.

He quickly takes it back - of course he'll come. He paints a comforting promise of her father watching over her from the heavens. Shaurya jolts awake, bear in hand, while Anokhi watches over him. He asks if Rohit was there, and she wordlessly pulls him into a hug. "For your mind splintering again because of me, I'm sorry, and sorry again. But thank you," she says.

At last, she grasps the extent of his pain, she tells him, and how much hope he gave her - he really did save her. She cries into his shoulder, grateful that they got to meet again, so she could say those words. Shaurya is still tortured by the fear that his father killed Anokhi's mother.

In his bathroom, co-consciousness strikes once again as Mr. X appears in the mirror. Once again, he invites Shaurya to open the box. This time, Shaurya steels himself and opens it. There's only a teddy bear inside, and it's not frightening at all (unless you're the bear). Mr. X proves his point that until Shaurya looks for himself, he won't know whether what's inside is gold or a bomb.

"The extent of my imagination decides the size of my fear," says Mr. X.
Shaurya realizes that means he has to go check the facts himself.
Mr. X encourages Shaurya to confront his past, and spend his imagination on his future. From Rohit's memories, he now knows who Mr. X is.
Mr. X says he took on this form because that's how Shaurya made him. As for why he looks like a magician, Mr. X says that must be how a kid imagines a dad.

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