SS. 2 - Sakayanagi Arisu: Reunion

Start from the beginning

I hope I can meet him.

I've always wanted to meet him.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, a young boy with brown hair and golden eyes.

An artificial genius, they call him?

That's impossible. All people are nothing more than what their DNA allows them to be. There is no such thing as an artificial genius.  If you want to create a genius, you'd have to do it at the genetic level.

People who are born ordinary will never escape the realm of the ordinary. No matter how blessed their environment is, if somebody isn't excellent from the beginning, they won't become a genius. That had always been my belief since I was young.

Not long ago, news about the White Room broke out and the entirety of Japan became aware of not only of its existence, but of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's existence.

That's when we all found out about the hidden truth behind the White Room, a place that violated human rights from all angles and perspectives.

Of course, I had visited the White Room with my father when I was small, but being the child that I was, I had no idea about the truth behind the one-way mirrors. I'm not even sure my father knew the real truth.

An artificial genius, a masterpiece, a demon, a monster, those were some of the many names people on the internet started calling him.

That's when I came to a shocking realization.

Ayanokouji-kun never had control over his life. It's as if the path he had followed was already laid out in front of him the very second he entered this world.

Ever since I visited the White Room, I always wanted to smash that facility into pieces. I always wanted to prove to everyone that talent is not decided by education, but from the moment people are born.

I've always wanted to fight against him. I've always wanted to bury the false genius of the White Room. But now, after all the news broke out, after I'm aware of the truth, I'm uncertain about my own feelings. Although one side of me wants to defeat him, the other can't help but admire him for withstanding all those years.

I've asked myself, isn't it selfish of me for wanting to defeat him? Is he even the one I want to defeat?

They say there's a thin line between love and hate.

If so, then I am currently standing on that very thin line myself.


"Arisu, I've brought him to you."

"Thank you, Kamuro, you can leave now. Here, have a seat, Ayanokouji-kun."

I finally got a good look at the person known as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. He has grown up so much since I first saw him. The only person who caught my attention and my heart when I first visited the White Room.

After he sat down in front of me in the library, we started talking to each other. I reserved this section of the library just so I can have a nice and peaceful talk with him.

"Who are you and what business do you have with me?"

"My, my... no need to rush things, Ayanokouji-kun. After all, it's been exactly 8 years since I first met you. Poetic, isn't it? The first day of high school happened to be exactly 8 years after I saw you for the very first time."

"I don't remember meeting anyone like you during my childhood, Sakayanagi."

"I visited the White Room with my father, Ayanokouji-kun. I observed you with my very own eyes through the one-way mirror as you effortlessly beat all kinds of chess players."

"Oh, I do remember that day. So? Is that all you wanted to tell me? There's more, right?"

"Fufu... as expected, you're quite sharp. Indeed, I have a proposal."

Up until lately, I wanted to face off against Ayanokouji-kun, but I recently realized how selfish and immature I was.

Oh, how blinded I was by the goal I had set for myself without even thinking twice.

The reality is that I've always been against the White Room and its philosophy, but I'm not against the person named Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. The White Room has already shut down, so I decided it's better for me to move on from the past.

Ayanokouji-kun may or may not be an artificial genius, but one thing's for sure, he's not the perfect human. How can a human be perfect when they have no emotions nor feelings? Doesn't that already prove the White Room wrong?

If so, there's no point in trying to defeat him, right? What more do I need to do?

While I somewhat still want to test my abilities against him, I recently realized that I don't have to hate him to want to face off against him. I don't have to unleash all my anger and frustration on him just because he happens to be the best to ever come out of the White Room.

I have decided. I will teach him myself what he hasn't been taught. I want him to experience the warmth that I was lucky enough to experience. I want him to enjoy his life, the way I have been able to enjoy mine. I will give him what he has been missing all this time.

I'll cherish the person I've always secretly admired from the bottom of my heart.

"How about we team up, Ayanokouji-kun? Based on my guesses, you're aiming for Class A, right? Class D alone clearly has no chance of aiming for top spot. Even with you, the chances are slim. Join Class A. With you and I working together as the class leaders, nobody can stop us. I'll teach you all the things you haven't been taught in that place, Ayanokouji-kun. The world is much brighter than you think it is. Without light, there is no darkness, that's why...

I'll be the light to your darkness."

After a few seconds of thinking, Ayanokouji finally spoke up.

"Sakayanagi, I understand your proposal, and I'm grateful, for that matter. However, I will let you know that I have no intentions of joining Class A..."

Sigh, my embarrassing speech was all for nothing. What a way to humiliate myself.

As he starts to stand up and leave, I was thinking about what I should say to him.

"... yet."

He said to me with his back facing me as he stopped near the exit.

"When the time comes, I hope you'll welcome me in your class, Sakayanagi."

I gave him a smile, even though he didn't look back.

"Of course fufufu... I promise I'll be waiting for you. Also, please call me Arisu from now on, Kiyotaka. After all, we're childhood friends."

"Sure, Arisu. It was nice talking to you." He then left the library, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Next time, I'll challenge him to a chess match.

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