Sam x Reader

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Your POV
"Saaaam! Hurry up!" I yell from the living room.
It's movie night. Me and Sam do it every two weeks. Tonight we're gonna watch The Orphanage. Sam came out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn.
"Yummy." I say as I reach for some popcorn. Sam pulls it away from my grasp.
"Nope. You don't get none until you say the magic word." He smirks.
"Um please?" I ask.
"Ummm...Sam Winchester is bae!" I say.
He paused for a minute then shrugged.
"Good enough." Sam says before sitting by me.
We were right in the middle when Sam said "I love you."
"Hm?" I ask.
"The magic word was 'I Love You'."
"Oh. Well Sam I love you and I don't think you need to hear it for you to know." I say before kissing him.

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