"Harry left me too." She sobs in her hands as she sits on the messy floor.

Harry comes in trying to be quiet not wanting to wake her just yet but frowns when hearing her cries. He puts the clothes and cupcake down before rushing over to her.

"Darcy? Honey? Are you hurt?" He says softly, she turns around looking at him and quickly gets up, running over to him, hugging his legs. "Harry no leave me."

"Of course I didn't leave you, honey. Friends don't leave." He says to calm her down. Harry picks her up hugging her tight, carrying her over to the door. "I got something for you."

"What is it?" She leans up and wipes her tears while sniffing. He smiles putting her down and bends down, grabbing the cupcake before showing her. "Happy Birthday to you..." he starts singing making her smiles big.

"You remembered!" She claps excitedly and squeaks as he keeps singing to her.

He smiles, happy that she wasn't upset anymore. "I don't have a candle but imagine it and make a wish." Darcy nods and closes her eyes before pretending to blow out a candle.

"Yay what you wish for?"

"I don't know." She giggles taking the cupcake and eats it happily, "Yummy!"

"I got you this too." He says getting the clothes he bought with his last from a thrift store, not wanting her to be wearing her dress anymore. "How? Harry no have much money."

"I had enough. You like it?" He shows her and she nods. "Yes, it's cute."

He smiles happy she liked it. It wasn't as expensive and nice as her dress.

"We'll put it on later just enjoy your birthday cupcake."

"Thank you, Harry."

~ August 10th ~

Harry was starting to show but he tried to hide it from Darcy the best that he could but his clothes was getting too small and he had nothing else to wear, having left everything at home.

He was getting more moody by the day as he started to cry at random times and Darcy just looked at him weirdly not understanding why he was cry.

"Harry miss mommy and daddy too?" She asked standing in front of him and he frowns thinking about how his parents treated him, but he nods. "Y-yeah..."

"Harry know where they are?" He nods again and wipes his tears but they kept flowing.

Darcy squeals, "Let's go see Harry mommy and daddy!" She jumps up and down clapping excitedly.

He shakes his head, "No, Darc. Stop it." He stops her by grabbing her arms gently, "They don't want to see me. They don't like me."

"Harry nice. Everyone likes Harry."

She says defensively making him chuckles and feel a bit better.

"You think?" The young boy asked amused by her somewhat love for him. He was really happy he wasn't alone anymore.

"Yes! So we go home?" Darcy asked looking into his eyes, he nods. "Yeah but only for a moment. I need clothes anyways." He tells himself as a excuse to go back, but he truly wanted to know how they were and if Gemma knew.


After sneaking onto a bus they make the 4 hour ride to Harry's home town, once they're there he carries a sleeping Darcy to his sister's home and knocks.

"Coming!" He hears through the door before it's opened seconds later. She gasps staring at him, "Harry?"

He smiles shyly, "H-hey sis..." he looks down afraid she'll push him away too.

"Holy shit... come in. Come in." She tears up, gently pulling him into her house and shuts the door. He lays Darcy down on the couch before turning away.

Gemma pulls him into a tight hug, "Where have you been, baby bro? I was so worried about you."

"I'm fine...."

"You're not fine." She pulls away looking him over, "You look different."

"I do?" He blushes, not knowing if she knew about the pregnancy from his parents or not. "Yeah."

She pulls further away and looks him over a bit more before gasping, noticing the bump.


"Yeah..." He looks down, "Go ahead hate me too..." He cries hugging his tummy.

"I couldn't hate you, Hazza." She tears up, lifting his chin. "You didn't go on a trip, did you? I should've known when your phone was off."

That's when he broke down falling into her arms as he cried, "They threw me out. They said I was going to hell."

"What happened?" She cries more. "They told me you were going on a trip for a while. I shouldn't have listened to them."

"Harry?" Darcy sits up rubbing her eyes, he pulls away going over to her. "I'm here."

"Why Harry cry again?" She pouts while wiping his tears, she looks at Gemma then back at Harry. "That's mommy?"

Gemma and Harry both laugh.

"No, sweetheart I'm his sister. Gemma." She answers coming over to kneel down next to the couch they were on after wiping her own tears away. "May I ask who you are?" She gave her a soft smile.

"I'm Darcy, Harry's friend. We came to get Harry mommy and daddy." She smiles big.

"Is that so?" Gemma smiles, looking between them as Harry blushes.

"Yes. You take Harry to mommy and daddy?" She looks at her expectedly.

The older sibling nods, "Of course I can. Harry you sure?" Gemma looks at him, "I just need my clothes."

"I can get them for you? I don't think you should go there after what you just told me." He frowns, looking down thinking about their last interaction. "Maybe they've changed and missed me..."

"You know they don't change much, bro..."

Harry pouts at her, knowing it'll be bad but he had a slight hope that they missed him too, that they'll forgive him for being gay and being pregnant... he blamed himself everyday for the way things were and he wished they would go back to normal.


Should Harry have went home?!!

Left Alone ~ ( MPreg L.S.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن