Chapter Seventeen

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Xander's POV

The smoke is clouding my vision. People screaming, smashing the tiny too-small windows, trying their best to escape the burning building. The doors are bolted from the outside. 

I need to find her. My mate. My world. 

"AALYA!" I scream, voice hoarse from yelling her name. 

Where is she? Shit shit shit. I can't see my brothers either so maybe they're with her? My mind won't stop running through all the scenarios of what could've happened already.

"AALYA!" I yell again, shoving my way through the panicking people, desperately trying to glimpse her. My heartrate quickens, so does my breathing. 

Loud noises, scents, too many people, the smoke is too thick. 

I can't smell her, see her, hear her. 

Terror. Pure terror.

"AALYA," I try to shout, but my throat is clogged up with smoke. 

I glimpse the straight brown of her hair splayed across the ground several feet away from me, the pink of her dress just visible through the bodies and smoke. 

Thank fuck. 

Aalya's POV

"What's going on?" I say, terrified. Smoke is filling the room, It's all I can feel, all I can see. 

I climb out of the booth, kicking off the heels. 

Xander. Xavier. Axel. Where are they? 

Someone's sleeve catches on my hair, the press of terrified bodies around me too much. 

I'm shoved to the floor, my hair splayed out on the ground. I try desperately to scramble to my feet, but there's too many people.

"AALYA!" I hear my name called... Xander? I can't tell, can hardly breathe through the smoke. I catch a glimpse of bright orange flames licking at the ceiling. 

The roof could come down, I think hazily, and my human body would be the first to fail.

A spark of hope lodges in my chest when I see Xander's face among the crowd, arm stretched out to me, but he's too far, and the smoke is too much, and I'm starting to feel much too hot among the bodies and the heat and flames. 

My eyelids half-close, my breathing labored, the smoke filling my lungs and eyes and senses. 

A pair of arms wrap around me, but they're not Xander's. Or maybe they are.

My eyes drift close, and then all I see is darkness. 

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