8. Bad Day

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We met in the park Saturday morning as planned and Soph burst into tears when she saw me. She was embarrassed and tried to stop, but something was tormenting her, and I was the only one she could turn to. It tore me up seeing her like that.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just my boyfriend. He was so cruel to me again last night. Then my friends called me a baby when I complained about it."

She looked almost happy after I played a few songs.

"Anything else I can do for you?"

"No, that was nice. Enough about me and my problems. How are you doing?"

"Now my dad thinks I'm crazy. He literally thinks I'm mentally ill. I have to go see a psychiatrist."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I'm a little scared. Part of me wonders if I am crazy. Everyone else thinks so."

"I don't."


"Oh my gosh sounds like you're having a bad day too. Do you need a hug?"

Let's be honest, I always needed a hug from her. Always. But I played it cool.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt."

She stood on her tippy toes and threw her arms around me. She squeezed tightly in an epic bear hug. She didn't let go for a full sixty second count. It was the best hug I've ever had. She had a dimpled smile with warm, kind eyes. We made a pact to be friends, not just friends--but to always be there for each other.

A couple weeks earlier, she didn't even know me, but she hugged like lifelong friends. She cared compassionately with genuine empathy, and it felt amazing. If she weren't in a relationship, I'd snatch her up in a heartbeat, but she was, so I had to be careful not to mess it up. If I played my cards right, sometime down the road she'd break up and when the timing was right, I'd make a move.

Until then, I had to be content with friendship and never let her know how I truly felt. Take it slowly, as Taylor Swift would say, it's delicate.

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