"i really hope so or i don't know what i'm going to do"

I have not even known about these kids for 3 days and they have already become my everything. It's weird because I think they are only just starting to realize who I am but, although I get the two mixed up a lot, they mean the world to me. I just wished i could of been there for them long before now. I know I can't make that time up but I do want to keep building a relationship with them. Im scared that this incident is going to change that all


When Brielle got home it was about 10:30 so she didn't give them a bath because they were too tired so she went straight to carrying them to bed. Makenzie stayed asleep but Makayla was more of a light sleeper so she ended up being half awake but she was still out of it.

"mommy?" she said quietly

"yeah?" i whispered back

"can we see clay tomorrow after school? he said he would let us take patches for a walk" she said groggily

"I don't know but we will see tomorrow. get some sleep baby" Brielle kissed her forehead

"goodnight my loves" she said while turning the lights off in their room, walking out, and closing the door behind her

she left and went straight for her wine glass and called her mom hoping that she would be up considering how late it was

"hello" her mom said after a couple of rings

"hey mom i just need to talk to someone but if you busy it can wait"

"No, I'm not busy. just was helping your dad read the manual for the new TV we got in the living room. you know him and his crap eyesight. but anyways what happened"

"everything. i feel like i'm disappointing Kenzie and Kayla by letting my feelings affect their relationship with clay"

"Why did something happen between you two?" she asked

"yeah- well technically no because i didn't let him but anyways the point is that i don't want to keep the girls from him but now everything is going to be awkward and i really don't know who to ask what the hell I'm meant to do and now the girls are attached to him and they want to be with him all the time and i feel like i'm losing them and there's nothing i can do because its their dad and they deserv-"

"slow down Brielle" she stopped the rambling

"first of all if he tried to pressure you into something then send him my way because you know i'm not going to let him walk all over you after what he did the last time you guys were in contact"

"what no mom we just almost kissed that it. He's not pressuring me into sex. He's not like that"

"if you say so but still. Anyways, two, you could never disappoint or lose the girls. Those girls love you to death to the point where nobody can just walk in and take that. you are their world"

"and finally, you have to put the girl's needs first. Even if things are awkward or you're mad at him or anything, you have to put that past you. this is a big change and it will take time to adjust to this new way but you need to do it"

"i know that i just don't know how"

"nobody knows how, they just do"

"i guess" Brielle said taking the final sip left of her wine

"things will get better. you're just at a bump in the road"

"yeah. thanks mom"

"Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? we're grilling burgers and hotdogs." she asked

"I don't know yet. The girls wanted to go see clay again tomorrow after school"

"You can bring him if you feel comfortable. maybe that will lighten the mood with him and maybe it will help you with what happened today" she suggested

"we will see"

"Okay just let me know honey"

"Yeah I will. I should head to bed. I'll talk to you later"

"Okay goodnight. Love you"

"Goodnight mom. Love you" and with that she hung up the phone.

She sat there a little longer just thinking. She looked over and saw a photo of her, Makayla, and Makenzie on the wall and got up to grab it.

 She looked over and saw a photo of her, Makayla, and Makenzie on the wall and got up to grab it

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(the photo)

lets just say, she sat there looking at the photo for a while.

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