Fun in the snow (Ch. 10)

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Relationships had been something on his mind more often then it used to be.


Not long after everyone was ready, Taurus and Libra raced out the door, Taurus practically yanking Cancer behind her.

"Woah, Taurus, could you slow down?" Cancer asked nervously.

"Oh... right... of course" Taurus said blushing at her actions.

"Huh, I didn't know we had a skating rink..." cancer said abruptly, trying to escape the awkwardness of the conversation.

"WE DO?" Leo yelled as she burst through Sagittarius and Aquarius who were walking happily behind them up until then.

Which knocked them both to the ground.

"Whoops.." she whispered and quickly helped them up before racing off to the rink.

"I'm down for a skate" Cancer said with a chuckle.

"Well what on earth are you waiting for?! Let's go!" Taurus said and grabbed his hand as they both ran off to the rink.

"Careful guys! This is Virgo's one day off and we do not need to spend it in the E.R!" Capricorn said and ran after them.

"Capricorn, you can relax a little, their fine." Aries reassured here.

"That's what you think, but knowing them, I'm betting that Leo is going to get hurt in like 10 minutes."

"Bet." Aries said and crossed his arms.

"Come on V! Hurry up, let's go skate" Pisces said and grabbed her best friends arm. "But I can't skate!" Virgo said tugging away.

"You have a boyfriend that plays hockey, how do you not know how to skate?"


"DOESNT MATTER, Let's Go!" She raced off, dragging Virgo behind her.

Gemini and Scorpio walked outside together, silently.

How awkward...


Most of the signs were on the ice as quickly as they could.

Pisces ended up leaving Virgo in the hands of Scorpio so she could learn to skate, while she herself,  went off with Aries instead.

Libra, Leo, and Taurus we're skating together slowly as they held hands and shuffled across the ice.

Well... that was until Sagittarius lost control, slipped and fell, and uncontrollably slid into the trio, which caused all of them to fall.

"I thought you said you could skate Sag." Aquarius said and skated over to help him up.

"I can! I'm just rusty that's all!" Sagittarius said in defence. Aquarius laughed at him.

"LOOK OUT, LOOK OUT!" Gemini yelled and knocked everyone over again, bringing Aquarius down with them this time.

"Sorry guys..." Gemini spoke shyly as he sat at the top of the pile of signs, earning a synchronized groan from everyone.

Capricorn sat in the one of the booths on the side, she decided that it was better to be safe then sorry and just watch from afar.

"Hey Cap, you coming on the ice?" Cancer said as he slid by and tightly gripped onto the railing.

"Uh no, I'm good" Capricorn said with a smile. "Are you sure? It's a lot of fun... mostly" Cancer questioned.

"Yeah I'm sure, I mean there's so much that could go wrong, I just don't want to take any risks." Capricorn said with a sigh.

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