"Yes, but I also don't think he's going to tell you. But you should know-" Juleka's breathing was inconsistent at best, she was definitely stressed and feeling guilty. She has news she wasn't supposed to know.

Luka leaned back in his chair, tapping his desk with his pencil "how about this, give Adrien 48 hours to tell me, and if he doesn't then you can tell me. You don't have to tell me at all- but take the time to decide if you want to."

He could hear Juleka nodding from the jingling of her jewelry, "Yeah, that sounds good- I'm sorry to bug you."

"Jules, you could never bother me." Luka smiled, "I'll see you at home, okay? Band practice?"

"Yeah, I'll see you at home. I love you." She still sounded anxious.

"I love you too. And hey, it'll all be okay. I'll take care of it."

"Thanks, Luka."

"No problem, now go eat." He laughed lightly as he hung up, trying not to focus on the sinking feeling in his stomach. He was torn between calling Adrien and confronting the issues risking Adrien telling him before he's ready or distracting himself and doing another assignment.

He opened another assignment.


(Y/N) was agonizing over what to get Adrien as a souvenir. They'd gotten Luka all kinds of things. A new guitar, a replica from one of his favorite American shows, all kinds of merch, if (Y/N) thought Luka would like it, it was charged to Owen's credit card.

Adrien, on the other hand, was impossible to shop for. What do you get someone who could buy whatever they wanted? They suddenly felt bad for Luka and the stress he was under whenever he got (Y/N) a gift. (Y/N) did get Adrien some clothes simply because they thought he'd look good in them, but that was just as much a gift for (Y/N) and Luka.

Owen and Milo were off getting food (and probably getting off knowing them) while (Y/N) wandered around stores. They were due to come back in a few days, so they still had time to get Adrien something. But if they couldn't find something now there was no way they'd find it at all. They wracked their brain and nothing.

But then their eyes settled on a little souvenir novelty shop, one of the many (Y/N) was sure existed in New York. And a memory clicked into place.

Adrien was resting on (Y/N)'s bed, Luka at work while the two hung out. They were jumping topics every three seconds like they so often did when Luka wasn't there. Adrien mentioned he never really went souvenir shopping whenever he traveled for his modeling gigs.

(Y/N) nearly dropped their drink from surprise "really? Not once? But you've been everywhere!"

Adrien shrugged, "my father always said stuff like that was tacky when I asked," he looked a little sad before he shook himself out of it "so eventually I stopped asking."

"We'll have the fix that when we travel the world with Kitty Section someday, you know" they smiled, laughing as Adrien pulled them in for a kiss, His hand on their waist on the other holding the back of their head.

"I guess we will."

(Y/N) basked in their triumph, their credit card in hand as they nearlt bought one of everything in the store. Thankfully, (Y/N) exhibited some restraint and got a fridge magnet, some pins, and a cheesy 'I ♡ New York' t-shirt. They were buzzing with excitement. Yeah, they weren't traveling the world with Kitty Section yet, but there's no rule against starting the collection a little early.


Seeing Luka waiting outside the school was a welcome sight for Adrien. He was settled underneath a tree, a book in hand. He loved when Luka didn't think anyone was watching him. He looked so angelic as his eyes scanned the pages, his thumb rubbing the page slightly before he turned it. Adrien watched from the steps for a minute or so before finally going to him. Luka, who looked up, put his book into his bag and got up to meet him, pressing a kiss to the blond's forehead before he could even get a word in.

"How was your day?" Luka asked, his hand interlocking with Adrien's as they walked to the car to wait for Juleka and Rose, they were always a little late to the car while Ivan and Mylene were already settled in the back seat.

Adrien leaned on Luka's shoulder and breathed "it was fine, nothing too eventful happened." He sunk more into Luka's warmth "glad to be back with you, though."

Luka smiled, kissing Adrien softly, his hand holding his jaw gently as he tipped his head up for easier access. "Good, you've had enough bad days at school."

Juleka opened the car door at that moment, shooting a questioning look at Luka that only he could pick up on, and with a quirk of his lip Juleka knew Adrien didn't tell him yet. Rose settled next to Juleka while Nino climbed in the passenger's seat, giving the body guard a fist bump as he buckled his seat belt.

Luka knew three things: Marinette was involved, Juleka wasn't supposed to know, and Adrien was panic-attack level upset after. Which was just enough to leave Luka in the unique position of truly having no clue what he missed out on, something he wasn't used to and didn't particularly care for.

Luka sighed as the car finally started moving into Paris traffic and Adrien fell asleep on his shoulder like the blond always did. This was going to be a long 48 hours.

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