Chapter 7

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"For the very first time there I see someone with the same pains as me. Having done this time and time again, he wore a fancy jacket."

"I just wanna stop the scars that grow," Said the newest voice, "every time that I go home. That's why I came up here instead."

"That's what the boy in the jacket said. Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way. But, in the moment I just screamed something that I could not believe. 'Hey, don't do it please!' Ah, what to do? I can't stop this guy, oh this is new. For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew. But even so, please just go away so I can't see. Your pitiful expression is just too much for me."

"I guess today is just not my day."

"He looked away from me and then he disappeared. And that's today's amazing turn of events. Please, someone, just end my suffering."

And with that, the video ended. Lui and Shu didn't speak for a good 10 minutes before they decided to finally process what was said. You'd think that what was said in these videos wouldn't surprise them anymore, or even hurt them as much. But no. Their minds still went numb they heard the news.

And with that, they went back to trying to figure everything out. But what clues were there? What could they possibly go on? Would you know where to start? Do you know who it could be? Because no one else does.


"Oi, pretty boi." Shu looked up from his computer to see Lui staring at him from the kitchen. Shu cocked an eyebrow at him. "Are you gonna try and eat today?"

Shu shook his head, his eyes returning to his computer screen. He felt Lui's eyes still on him, so he decided to elaborate further. "I'm not hungry, so there's no point in wasting food."

"You haven't eaten all week, Shu."

"Oh, well. I have other things I need to worry about right now."


"I don't wanna hear it."

"I know you have a lot on your plate, but that doesn't mean you completely neglect yourself."

"So I neglect them instead?"

"You can't save everyone."

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least try?"

"What kind of friend would put you through this?"


"What kind of friend would cause this much emotional damage to the people who I would have thought meant a lot to them? Sure, I don't know what they're going through, but they can see first-hand the despair they are causing. Aren't they guilty?"

"I guess... you have a point."

"I know I can't criticise, I don't know what they're going through. But, I think it's pointless to make everyone else suffer along with them. And you have to face reality, Shu. There's a high possibility that you won't be able to save them."

Shu stayed silent, his eyes glued to his computer screen and Lui sighed, sitting down next to him and pulling him into a hug.

"Do you really think we can't save them?" Shu looked up at the dragon blader

"I'm sorry. But it's been an entire week. I don't think it's meant to be." Lui's eyes skimmed over Shu and what he was researching. "Just stop. This is killing you."

"I'm fine, Lui. I don't know what you're worried about." Shu refused to meet his gaze

"You haven't slept or eaten in the past week. You've barely drunk, and your hygiene levels have plummeted. At this rate, you're gonna die before they do. That's what I'm worried about." Lui admitted, and Shu smiled slightly.

"Who knew you cared? The White Tyrant has a heart." There was a warmth in both of their eyes. They didn't hate each other like everyone else thinks they do. They aren't sworn enemies or anything. They're just bitter rivals who hate losing to each other.

"The White Tyrant isn't as much of a prick as people make him out to be," Lui said, and an emotion that Shu couldn't depict ran through his eyes. Shu tilted his head to the side in curiosity and Lui cocked an eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking, is all." Shu's eyes went back to his computer screen and Lui sighed, leaning back in the chair, pulling Shu with him, refusing to break the hug they were, for some reason, still in. "You could at least let go of me when you do that."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Does my princess need his personal space?" Lui smirked

"Yes, he does, now go and make yourself some food or something," Shu replied, trying to pull himself out of Lui's grip. He failed, and Lui only hugged him tighter for the sole reason of annoying him.

"What did you say? I didn't quite catch that." Lui responded

"I hate you. I actually hate you." Shu tried to scowl at him but ended up smiling

"Really now? Because your face is telling me otherwise," Lui said, and Shu rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Shirosagi."

"I love you, Kurenai."

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