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Rick and Summer just got home via the Space Cruiser and Morty enters the the garage.

"Where did you guys come from?" Morty asked.

"Boob World," Summer replied.

"WHAT?!" Morty screamed furiously. "YOU GUYS WENT TO BOOB WORLD WITHOUT ME?!"

"Jeez, Morty! Don't be so supset! Besides, you told us that you have fever!" Rick shouted.

"Or that's just an excuse because you got other plans?" Summer raised an eye brow.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Morty screamed and snatched Rick's portal gun.

"HEY! WHAT THE---MORTY!" Rick screamed as Morty runs away inside the house.

Summer got tired, went straight to her bedroom and sleep. Beth wasn't around the house, she's at work. Only Jerry is present, watching television.

"GIVE IT BACK, MORTY!!!" Rick screamed.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Morty screamed in agony.

They run around the house, passing Jerry by. He doesn't care though. Finally, Rick cornered Morty in the garage.

"There's nowhere to run, Morty! Give it back!" Rick said.

"AAAHHH!!!" Morty shoots the portal gun at Rick, luckily the old man dodges it.

Morty created a green portal at the chalkboard. He run for it, entering the chalkboard. Rick quickly gets up and follow Morty through the chalkboard and then the portal closes.

Rick and Morty x Chalkzone FANFICOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora