Chapter 2: Haaaaaaaaaave u met Cassie?

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"Club" -Lady Gaga

Later i texted in the gc with Leah and Chris.

HM: the promoter txtd me bak

HM: marquee at 10

HM: 🤠

CM: wahoooo

LM: Leah liked a message "marquee at 10"


Marquee is a club that has been featured multiple times as the scene of a crime on Law and Order: SVU, if that gives you a picture of what this place is like. Even Captain Olivia Benson can't solve the vibes of this club. On the train in I had drank an entire vodka-lemonade thing but also hadn't eaten that much today so I'm feeeeelin it.

"There is your table," said our promoter, Artiom gesturing to an area. He goes to NYU for Math, but his real passion is men's fashion design. He is also from Long Island- wowowow, I did not realize I knew this much about someone I feel like I've only spoken small sentences to.

"Where?" I ask looking around, like there are sm tables idk what he means.

"Holl, bb, c'mon" said Leah as she grabbed my hand and sat me in the booth.

I was wearing this black tube dress with these nude heels that have the wrap-around-the-ankle lace that I stole from my soon my older sister for prom and still havent/am never giving back. Leah was also wearing a little black dress but with black platform heels. Similarly, Chris was wearing a leopard dress, with black heels. Totally diverging from the theme, as I've once heard animal prints are also neutrals. At least we did all followed the Posh Spice style theme deciding should I wear the little Gucci (knockoff) dress? The little Gucci (knockoff) dress? Ooooor, the little Gucci (knockoff) dress? And, tht is v much the vibes of every person in Marquee and honestly love that for us.

Women are so hot. I love that for us.

The table was cramped w a Bachelorette parties. A very white woman with very blond hair and that pink dress from FashionNova I almost bought the other day was wearing a tiara while balanced on the top of the booth seats with a vodka-orange in one hand and another raised bopping to the rando EDM music being played. Absolutely living. They looked like what I imagine going to college in the South is like. Tbh like not to drag but having a bachelorette party in the same place where drunk teenagers can sneak into is kind of-- "u look all look hoooot" the woman wearing a crown at me, Chris, and Leah--kind of brilliant, showstopping, beyond belief.

Omfg im so judgemental I have to stop.

"Omg, yes royal wedding icon" I yelled back at her, motioning to her crown and vibe. She pointed back smiling. Okay maybe for rn love it here, i need more alc, definitely more vodka please. Wow I am drunk because only people drunk as for moooore vodka I swear.

The table was circular with a bucket in the middle of orange and cranberry juice.

"Yo, where's the vodka?" Chris yelled.

"Yeah" yelled Leah in agreement as she sat down next to me putting Chris in her lap.

"Yeah" yelled a tall woman sitting across from us with these amazing Acrylic nails that looked so good it made me think about getting Acrylics.

Artiom brought it over with a grin like he was somebody about to get something for doing the thing he promised to do for us in the first place. Ugh, just like leave the vodka and go and do math. I hate that vibe of guys in New York who "believes" the future is female so they act like they are better and have more access to us and are actually special because of it even though like, no. Idk maybe it is because he's in college or like bc he's taller than me or like I'm just being judgemental or I'm just gaslighting myself but I just hate the vibe of all of the college-age (and older!) promoters I have to text in order to get into places to have a good time. It's why I have never saved his number, as my personal act of keeping him at a distance even though inevitably every Friday I have to swallow my pride and text "heeyyy!" ... it's confusing and grosses me out a little but also it is just how it is for now I guess...idk it's confusing. But, again he is studying math so is on the inevitable pipeline of promoters to finance bro.

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