Prologue: Uchiha twins birth & Massacre

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It was fourteen minutes past eleven when Mikoto Uchiha finally gave birth to her third child.

She had been waiting in the hospital doom for what seemed to have been ages in her mind. Her water had broken twelve hours ago, warning her that her babies would come into the world soon.

To be more precise, she had been pregnant with twins. The two twins were both baby boys. 

Mikoto was exhausted to have a baby born one hour before midnight and then another one-fourteenth minutes later, but she didn't care after everything she had been through and went i finally over. And now, as some of her long locks of hair were sticking to her face because of the sweat, she was now waiting for the nurse to give her the two newborns. She was ultimately out of breath, but she couldn't be happier. Tears of joy glistened in her eyes and wet her cheeks as the twins were finally put in her arms.

Her husband, Fugaku Uchiha, and their eldest child Itachi were finally allowed to come inside of the hospital room. They saw Mikoto smiling, and she was radiant like she had never been before. Itachi naturally came to his mother's side and looked at his younger siblings with curiosity. 

 They were small, pink, and nearly didn't look like human beings, but one could tell he already loved them from the bottom of his heart. They were sleeping peacefully, wrapped in blue and yellow blankets in Mikoto's arms. Itachi looked up at his mother.

"Have you chosen a name for them yet, Mother?" Itachi asked.

"I have. Well, we have, with your father. Come here, darling. Don't you want to see them?" Mikoto asked.

She was talking to Fugaku, who had was still standing in the corner of the room until now. He grumbled to himself as he stepped forward toward his wife and his offspring. He couldn't help but smile when he saw his twins deeply asleep in this warm protective place against their mother's chest. It reminded him of Itachi's birth. Like his siblings, he had not cried much and fell asleep quickly.

"So, what should we call them then?" Itachi asked his parents.

"For the boy on the left with spiky black hair, it will be Sasuke in honor of the Third Hokage's father after getting the okay from him," Fugaku said.

"While the other boy with straight black hair with a bang above his one eye it is going to be Sataro. It was the name of your great grandfather. What do you think?" Mikoto added.

Itachi was surprised for a moment; however, before he could answer, a tiny hand touched his hand. He slightly jumped and looked at the small hand lying on his. His eyes widened, and he looked at the owner of his hand, which was Sataro, who was still sleeping. Then his attention was caught by his other little brother. Sasuke's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at his brother. That was enough to make Itachi's heart melt. His cheeks reddened, and he grinned.

"I think they love their names."

Mikoto laughed lightly, and Fugaku found himself smiling.

And that is how, respectively, on July 23rd, Sasuke Uchiha and Sataro Uchiha were born in the hospital of the Hidden Leaf village known as Konoha.


Eight years later...

Sataro woke up getting a bad feeling as he heard movement inside of the house. He climbed out of bed and followed the source of the noise to his parent's room.

"Aniki....?" Sataro questioned as he entered the room and saw her big brother Itachi with a bloody katana as he stood behind their dead parents.

"Hmm...look who came to the party, my foolish little brother..." Itachi said coldly, looking at Sataro.

Sataro was felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at his older brother. He had never heard his brother's voice so cold and dark, especially towards him.

"Did...did you kill everyone...aniki?" He asked.

"Yes, I did," Itachi said coldly.

"B-but why...? Everyone in the clan loved you! Why did you kill them?" Young Sataro asked as tears flowed down his face.

" test my abilities," Itachi said as he turned around to face his younger brother, the Mangekyou Sharingan blazing in his eyes.

He felt guilty for doing this to his younger brother. He was about to continue talking when his other younger brother came rushing into the room, calling our for his mother and father.

"Sataro! And Ni-san...? What's going on? Why is everyone dead?!" Sasuke asked, on the verge of crying.

"It was to test my abilities, foolish little brothers. Hate me full yourself with hate, and when you obtain the same eyes that I have, come and back and face me," Itachi said.

"NO!!!! This can't be real. It is just a dream! There is no way you would do this, big brother! It's just a dream, Right!?" sataro screamed, crying tears running down his face.

Itachi noticed Sataro's eyes were no longer the same onyx color they once had; it was blood red with one tome.

He had awakened his Sharingan.

"Oh, what a surprise... It seems one of my weakling siblings was actually able to obtain the Uchiha's Kekkei Genkai after all," Itachi said, his heart breaking into a million pieces, but he still kept his stoic face.

"Is that how you really feel towards us. How can you be cold after years of being such a great big brother?" Sataro yelled as a kunai was thrown at him, cutting his arm, blood dripping down the wound.

"Come on; we can't die; we must go now!" Sasuke said, worried about his younger twin's wound.

Sataro agreed and held his twin's hand as they ran fast as they could away from the main family house. They might be fast, but they knew they were no match for Itachi. He quickly caught up to them, putting them both into a Taukuyomi of the whole massacre.

He heard his Sataro say, "I don't know what cause this Itachi, but I no matter what people say, I still love you..." He whispered as he passed out.

That was the most horrible night for the three Uchiha siblings.

Well here you all go the prologue chapter of my first  fanfiction called A Scar Bond is completed. It would be nice of you left a vote and comment your thoughts on the chapter as well as leaving me feedback.  

WC: 1052

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