Charcter Bio

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Name: Sataro

Surname: Uchiha

Age: 12-13

Birthday: July 23 (Younger by fourteen minutes)

Family: Father- Fugaku Uchiha/Dead
Mother- Mikoto Uchiha/Dead
Older Brother- Itachi Uchiha/ Rouge
Older Twin Brother-Sasuke Uchiha/Alive

Looks: He has fair skin and silky back hair with a bang covering one of his onyx color eyes, along with a slender build and slightly muscle-toned torso.

Looks: He has fair skin and silky back hair with a bang covering one of his onyx color eyes, along with a slender build and slightly muscle-toned torso

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Outfit: He wears a long black sleeve jacket with the Uchiha symbol on the back of it. With a dark blue shirt under it along with black pants with badges and a shuriken holster on his left thigh. A grey belt around his waist with extra weapon pouches. Blue ninja sandals that stop at the bottom of his pants. A red headband that tied across his forehead.

Personality: You will have to read the story to discover it.

Likes: Tea, grapes, Books, Animals, Rice, sunny weather, swords, and training with his brother.

Dislikes: Having to listen to Sasuke's obsession with revenge, bitter food, Bullies, how Sauske treats his fangirls, and being the center of attention for one of the last Uchiha.

Hobbies: Training, Spending time with Sasuke, Reading, stargazing, and cooking new recipes.

Chakra Nature: Fire and Lighting

Kekkei Genkai:  sharingan 

Charka Control

Love Interest:  Sakurasou Haruno

Love Interest:  Sakurasou Haruno

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