11. So this is the pleace

Começar do início

- Ohhhh you are smart - he quickly changed and went to the car.

- hey sit in the back -

- What? why -

- then they would need to separate and we will get chance to sit next to our targets.- Do I need to tell you every thing Jeez.

I stepped on the gas and few minutes later we got to the adress. They were waiting, but their clothes were really like for the gym.

- Hop in cupcake - I said to him I still haven't got my revenge,

- are you my engine? couse I can't start with out you - smooth fucker. He said to Oikawa.

And Atsumu sat beside Iwaizumi and Oikawa in the passanger seat. Urghh they saw thru us. Iwaizumi also understood.

- So where is the gym at - play like you don't know. Then he gave me the GPS with the location and weird.... I didn't know there is a club this close to us.

It was like 3 minutes drive we got out and there was a body guard. Soooo this IS a club and a gay one. NICE. I looked Iwaizumi and he thought the same.

AND... The guy didn't want to let us in, but oikawa said ,,they are with us "and whispered him something. Iwaizumi was really mad I have not seen him this mad sicnce i stole his hook up. Ughh. I shivered at the memorie. Poor girl, he wasn't mad at me.

We went to the locker room and WE were confused. like they don't expect us to go on stge do they?

Then I saw it Atsumu was changing. AND DAMN Suna was not overreacting super abs. Then he took the extra sweats and THAT ASS. I didn't have the time to check the thighs.

Cause he sat down and started taping his feet. SAY WHAT? THIS IS A GYM AND HE CAN TAPE HIS FEET. Iwa was as shocked as I was.

-Bitch what's that impessive about it? - I stopped staring at him and did he just curse.

I tried to copy the taping on his fists so i won't look like an amateur.

- What are you doing?! - I heard him almost lushing about it at me

- I am taping my hand, I think? - I answerd. Not really sure what I was doing either.

- No, doing that you will only hurt your hands. - He kneele in front of me he looked so focused taking them off. DAMN it's 2 to 1. He sat next to me and slowley taped my fist.

I could feel every move that he did. UHH he had skilled fingers  it 2-2 damn it.

Then he finished and stood up He said something, but it was to late. All my focus was on THOSE AND ONLY THOSE. Suna was right they looked delicious. I imagined myself getting suffocated between those. If he did that honestly I would not complained but rather ask for more. AND I HAVE A NOSEBLEED DAMN.

It took us a while to get ready especialy with mine and Iwa's nosebleeds. But when we got out of the locker room we saw a huge gym. So it isn't a strip club Ok, a bit disapointed tho.

-WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THIS IS AN UNDER GROUND FIGHTING RINK ! - Iwaizumi shouted. The what?Jezus so this is their secret. I am so dumb.

- cause you didn't ask - Oikawa gave him a snarki remark

- ohh you didn't know that nerds know how to fight - Atsu said sarcasticly.

I looked around and saw it.

- I have two questions - I said

- go ahead and ask - Atsu replaied cause those two were drowning in sexual tension.

- first why didn't you stood up for yourself when I was a dick to you. And two WHY THERE IS A PUNCHING BAG WITH MY PHOTO? - Okay I got it off my chest.

-First cause my cover would me blown. Second that punching bag is mine. So don't cross the line again or you will and up like this. - haha I'm in danger. But I can't show it. Iwa was grinning like an idiot (that he is).

- But don't worry in the corner there is also with Iwaizumi's face - It was my time to grinn. While his smile droped. But wait the bag is not in a bad shape, and my dumbass said.

- It isn't in a bad shape. So maybe I will cross the line - the Oikawa patted my arm and said

that is a new one, third this month. He destroyed it last time - That send shivers down my spine. He really hates me. I need to win this bet, but how?

I followed atsumu and managed to convince him to sparr against me. I wanted to know if I would win.

what the heck?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora