What they do when your sad

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He takes you out on a night time walk to take your mind off things and then you sleep at his house for the night

Cuddles with you and after, Joyce sets up family movie night (which of course your invited to)

Tries to make you laugh in anyway he can, if it's telling you jokes or making an absolute fool of himself he would do anything to see you smile

If someone made you sad then he would tell Erica and Erica would handle it in SECONDS, while he comforts you cuddled up at home

She goes to Hopper and Joyce for advice on what to do and brings you a bunch of snacks and you cuddle up and fall asleep

Let's you take her headphones and listen to music while she goes to "talk" to whoever made you sad, and if no one did it she'll stay and listen with you

He first finds out what made you sad, asks if you wanna talk about it, if you do he will sit for as long as you need and listen, if you don't he takes you to the arcade and you two go on a date

If someone did it- well they won't be coming into school for the next couple of days

He takes you into the woods and tries to take your mind off it by making you laugh with stupid stories and just generally being his usual self

Let's you cry it out, then takes you for icecream and you guys go on a date

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