1🖤 [Brothers?]

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes groaning a little when I look at my surroundings. It felt cold. I Quickly covered myself with my arms and went over to my room like a lifeless body.

I hate Myself for being so weak. I wish I had the courage to cut my wrist, I wish I would be strong enough to jump from the top floor. And I wish I could stop in the middle while crossing the road.

I hate that somewhere deep inside, I had a hope that everything will be alright. I will be happy again, I hate myself for having these thoughts.

But I am just a scared girl, who don't talk much. Just avoids everyone so that I won't get hurt. Get anxiety and panic attacks. And flinched at almost everything.

But there is Something I am proud Of! I am a very good liar. I am good at hiding how pathetic I am. I never shows my emotions to anyone so that they can't took advantage of that. Everyone around me think I am a happy chubby kid like normal ones. But I am beyond then normal.

I grabbed my clothes and went to bathroom making myself ready and used the concealer to cover all the bruises of my face and the areas which weren't covered with my clothes.

To be honest, I like School. That's the only place I felt safe. You may think I got bullied in school, but that's not the case, Actually school bully or you can say Queen Bee of the school is my best friend.

She finds me cute and always ends up poking my cheeks and squealing at my cuteness. Perks of being cute, I guess! Little did she know.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs thanking god that he wasn't home. I hope he never comes home.

I limped my way over to my school since it's just 20 minutes walk here.

"Hey!! Cutie Hop In!" I heard someone behind me as I turned over to see Rebecca aka Queen bee of school. I smiled and opened the passenger door hoping in.

"Why don't you talk much Cutie?" She pouted, "Arghh, I am too talkative and you know it better then anyone" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yes! That's the problem, You only talk with me, You need to come out from your bubble cutie, I won't be always there for you" She said frowning at the last line.

"Y-You leaving me?" I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

I am not a crybaby.

She shake her head in a No but I know she was lying.

As we reached the school, we got out and she placed her hand on my shoulder glaring at anyone who would look at me weirdly.

"You didn't answer my question" I tugged her sleeve again.

"How about we talk in lunch?" She gave me a pained smile and I nodded and went to my classroom.

Because of Rebecca, Noone dared to mess with me. At first some girls named me as her minion but when Rebecca came to know about it, she lost her calm and almost smacked the girl guts out.

She looks like all those rude girls I read on wattpad, but with me she is pouty and adorable and not bitchy at all.

I looked at the time when the bell rang, finally Lunch brake! I got out of the classroom when the halls went clear, I don't want anyone to bump into me to made the pain in my body worse.

"So tell me?" I grabbed the snadwhich she brought me.

"My parents are shifting, So I have to change school" She looked down and then at me for any response.

"Oh That's great?" It came out more as a question.

One more person added to the list of my loved ones who eventually left me. Atleast she told me beforehand and we can say goodbye not like someone who just disappeared.

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