VIII. An Undertaker's Professional Night Time Getaway

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 Vincent sat on the floor of the plane like everyone else. His arms wrapped around his wound. It was loosely wrapped in a fabric they found last minute. Unfortunately, he had looked at the damage and noticed there was a lot of blood that wasn't coagulating.

The lift off was rocky for him, and he felt like throwing up anything he had in his stomach as it shook. He decided to not look out the windows, as he knew what would happen to him. (He wasn't a fan of heights.)

He was dozing off when Sacagawea, who made her way to sit next to him, pokes his face. He scrunches at the feeling. He opens his eyes to look at the woman. Everything is beginning to slightly feather, his vision is becoming blurry..

"Vincent," she speaks just above the engine, "You should stay awake."

"There's not much keeping me awake," he chuckles, "other than this loud ass plane, but..."

He hesitates, but digs his phone out. The screen is slightly shattered, but it turns on with much praise. He pulls up a playlist of older songs and hands it to Sacagawea. She gathers what he is trying to get her to do. She clicks a random song and it begins playing aloud in the small cabin.

Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today

A deep voice reverberates in the cabin, surprisingly loud enough to be heard throughout the plane. Vincent could only weakly smirk at the song choice. It was almost on purpose.

I want to be a part of it
New York, New York

These vagabond shoes
are longing to stray
Right through the very heart of it

New York, New York

Larry gives a small laugh toward Amelia, though, his attention is more on Vincent and his consciousness. Vincent mouths to the song, not too worried about if he lives to see New York before he dies.

I wanna wake up in a city
That doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill
Top of the heap

Vincent couldn't help but send his eyes out the pilot's window. The stars shine brightly in the sky, and if not for the loud engine, the moment would be rather peaceful for Vincent.

These small town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York

If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you

New York, New York

Vincent stops mouthing the words. He's trying to focus on the cool metal his head rests on. He hopes it isn't much longer home.

New York, New York

I want to wake up in a city

That never sleeps

And find I'm a number one

Top of the list

King of the hill

A number one

Vincent couldn't help but listen to a hushed conversation between Sacagawea and Larry, which they hold over Attila.

"He's -- and I'm unsure there's much time." Sacagawea leans over Atilla and looks over at Vincent. Vincent is clearly loopy.

"-- but we've gotta --" Larry's mouth continues to move, but Vincent can't hear him. He takes it as a sign to stop eavesdropping.

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