IV. Short Memorable Times

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Birthday Walk Around

It was unfortunate that Vincent's birthday landed on Valentine's Day. The day for love. Gross. Vincent had purposely went straight to the museum after school because he had overheard the small party his step-mother was planning. Despite him being explicitly clear that he had no intentions on having a party. He didn't hold it against her, Vincent wasn't all bad in overcrowded events, but he didn't like it whatsoever.

The museum isn't as crowded as he was expecting. Vincent is fond of this late night endeavor. He just enters the security room when McPhee pulls up.

"What are you doing?" he sounds deplored at Vincent's appearance here.

"Just, doing my job that I don't get paid for," Vincent gives the man a finger salute, "I'll see you later, boss."

"No, what are you doing here, on your birthday."

"Not celebrating?" Vincent shrugs his shoulders like it was obvious. He shakes his head, "I don't like parties. I get it from my father."

Larry enters the room and goes to his locker. This doesn't deter McPhee, "But you shouldn't be here. You should be out with friends. Sneaking into bars or whatever you kids do nowadays," McPhee was an odd man. "As much as I don't approve of such behavior, that's better than going to an unpaid job."

"It's your birthday?" Larry enters the heated conversation about nothing, "I'm going to have to side with McPhee. You should be having fun."

"Maybe I like hanging out with you, Larry," Larry gives a hard look, "Or maybe these wax and fluff guys are my only friends," Vincent holds up his hands and stares off for a second, "That makes me sound like a loser."

"It does," the two men agree.

"Right, well, I have friends. I just don't like celebrating another year closer to death," Vincent shrugs. "My bones already do that for me. It must really suck being fifty years old," he looks between McPhee and Larry.

"Ha ha," McPhee looks at his watch and sighs, "If you really don't have anything better to do, then I suppose you can stay here," Mcphee starts walking off, "You're home by twelve!"

Larry waits a second to speak, "Shall we get started then?"

Vincent pulls the top of Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus off. The man himself, covered in his wrapping like a preserved baby, took Vincent's offered hand. He steps out from his sad excuse of a bed, and begins taking his wrappings off. It was the same thing they did every night; nothing would change.

"Good evening, Ahkmen," Vincent and Ahkmenrah begin walking out of the exhibit, nodding at the Anubis guards on the way out.

"Good evening, Vinny. How was your day?" Ahmenrah had his full attention on Vincent.

Vincent would have answered if not for the loud speakers. "Everyone to the front, please," Larry's voice crackles loudly, "I repeat, Everyone to the front, please."

Vincent sighs. The two begin slowly walking toward the front, "Vinny?" Ahkmenrah asks, "Do you know what's going on?"

"I have a good idea," Vincent really hoped it wasn't what he was expecting.

They were the last ones there. Larry drags Vincent to the information desk and makes him stand there.

"Alright," Larry sighs and looks around. Dexter climbs up onto his shoulder, "Good, you're here," he begins to speak loudly, "It's Vincent's birthday, and I think he's owed the Happy Birthday song."

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