II. Night Two: Book Thesis and Birthday Cake

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Vincent had decided to head straight to the museum after school, it's not like his father would mind. He had a book thesis to write anyway, no distractions needed; he supposed, a busy museum wasn't the place to do it, but it worked decently. He had to wander around for a small while, looking for empty exhibits to sit down in. He was surprised to find that the Egyptian exhibit was rather empty. To be frank, who really wants to be around a dead body for long. Vincent sat down just outside the tomb-esque room, in front of the Anubis statues. His backpack lay inert to his side, few papers scribbled with chicken scratch spilt around Vincent, and a book bookmarked with a pencil sat in his lap.

Vincent put his headphones on, tired of the quiet rambles of those who enter the Egyptian exhibit. Queen plays loudly in his ears, most likely heard from the entering McPhee. McPhee had been told that his favourite nephew-- his only nephew-- was in the museum, and out of curiosity, he tried to find Vincent. He didn't know where Vincent would hide out at, the only idea he had was what Rebecca had told him; up and left. He got lost-- that's an overstatement-- he couldn't find the scrappy boy.

Vincent lifts his head, his eyes spot dress shoes and he could only wonder who the hell would wear those to a museum. Of course, it's the all familiar, pristine museum curator. McPhee looks around for a second, not noticing the curled up Vincent behind a pillar.

McPhee's eyes glance over the wall, he finally finds Vincent and walks toward him, "What are you doing over there?"

"Hiding from Rebecca," Vincent takes his headphones off, "she thinks I'm taking away your attention," Vincent jokes. It isn't funny, but he laughs at it himself; he is the funniest person alive, after all.

"Right, right," McPhee looks at the sitting man, "What are you doing here, exactly?"

"Homework," Vincent replies, as if the obvious strewn papers around him were an indication of homework and not a mess.

"Yes. I can see that, but why not at home?"

"Why not?" Vincent starts packing up, "Look at this place, it's-" the beginning of 'Funkytown' starts playing. Vincent's 4:50 alarm goes off. "Sorry," Vincent pulls his phone out and turns it off, "Anyway, I've got to go to the security room."

"Right," Vincent stands and begins to walk away, "Get home safe."

Cecil and Gus walk out, Reginald a few minutes later, done with whatever sentimental goodbye he had. The three were gone for good, leaving two highly untrained night guards with sentient exhibits.

"So," Larry had started locking up, Vincent deciding to follow him, bored of his homework already, "We didn't have much time to talk yesterday," he looks at the teen with a bag full of papers that are haphazardly about to spill out, "How old are you? You seem... young, especially to be working late nights."

"I'm sixteen, going on seventeen," Vincent slowly follows behind Larry, "I also know McPhee." He raises his hands and shakes them, his face contorts in realisation as to how that sounds, "Not in a creepy way, he's sort of, kind of my uncle."

"Sort of, kind of?" Larry looks back at Vincent.

"Well, yeah," Vincent looks away, "My dad married his sister, and he seemed pretty cool when I met him," he laughs, "I mean, similar aspiration and all, but that's kind of it."

"Really? He just seems a little..." Larry waves his hands around.

"Strict? A Hardass?" Vincent grins and tilts his head, "Yeah, he can be an awful person here and there, but he knows a lot about history, so-" Vincent shrugs, "Anyway, here's my stop," he walks into the Egyptian exhibit.

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