VII. I Just Found me a Brand new box of Matches

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Vincent steps toward the two, "Oh, no, no, no," Kahmunrah pulls his hand holding the hourglass back, "First, give me the combination, and hand over that tablet."

Kahmunrah reaches for the tablet, but Larry pulls it away, "I'll give you the tablet and the combination when you release my friends and give them back to me."

As much as Vincent really, legitimately cared for the childish quarrel between the two, he wanders away from them toward the window, the breeze is cool with a hint of petrichor. His eyes lift to the sky. It's a particularly beautiful night, one that should be shared with an equally beautiful man-- or, someone that he cares for deeply. It doesn't have to be Ahkmenrah. Or, well. There isn't a way to get around that. Vincent's mind could only think about him. There's so much he needs to tell him, and he is particularly inclined to talk about this idiosyncratic adventure with his crazed brother.

"-How about I don't kill you like I really, really want to, and I give you precisely five seconds to give me that tablet and tell me the combination," Vincent doesn't take an interest in the conversation, but he turns around and continues to listen to the nonsensical quarrel.

"We already got the combination," Al Capone holds an Einstein bobblehead in his hand. Ivan and Napoleon follow closely behind him. "It's pi," Vincent leans against the wall and watches as Larry sinks into himself, "3.14159265." This isn't going to end well. "Hey, shhh," Capone throws the bobblehead into the air and makes a fist toward it, silencing the little man, "See, Crazy Hair here, he sang. Ho-ho-ho, did he sing," Capone and his groupie stop walking, "Like a canary." the Einstein apologizes to Larry, but Capone holds his fist at him once more, "Enough out of you!" it's a little pathetic to watch a grown up cardboard cutout threaten a bobblehead, but slightly entertaining, "Remember what happened last time?"

Capone flicks the Einstein, "Hey," Larry finally speaks up, "that's enough."

It seems that Kahmunrah takes after Vincent and grows tired of waiting. He takes the tablet from Larry and throws Jed over his shoulder like trash. Larry catches him, Vincent sighs the breath he had been holding. "Must be a real bummer for you, Larry," Kahmunrah stands in front of the doorway, ready to unleash the Underworld, "knowing that all of your valiant efforts were in the end for naught." Kahmunrah puts the tablet in its place, "What a terrible disappointment you must be to yourself." He taps the buttons on it, the air thickens. Vincent slides down the wall and watches meekly in anticipation for his end.

With the last button pressed, Kahmunrah steps back. The tablet begins to glow, "Do you hear that humming sound? Do you know what that sound is?" Ivan raises his hand, "It's rhetorical," it seems that Dooms Day would start with Fremdschämen. "That is the sound of the end," Kahmunrah begins chanting in his language.

The mummy holding the tablet moves forward, cracking and breaking off from its long hold to itself. The door swivels open with a deep chalk-like sound. A bright light emits from the other side, and small dark specks of something head for the open door.

"Welcome to the new extended reign of Kahmunrah," he walks toward Larry. The dark mass grew bigger behind him, "fifth king of Egypt, and now the world!" the mass shape into humanoid shapes, "Horus! Ra! My warriors, come forth!" men with falcon heads begin to exit the doorway in twos, "Send Larry Daley and his friends to their doom!" Vincent stands and glances at the three retreating bad men. He knows he has to fight these bird-men.

The Horus' circle around Larry, Vincent has been pushed into the circle, too. They stop circling when Kahmunrah raises his hands and says something in Egyptian. Spears are lifted and trained toward Vincent and Larry.

"HALT!" a bold voice yells. Many heads turn toward it, "The mighty Octavius has returned," that's sweet, Jed's boyfriend is here, "I ride on the back of nature's most fearsome creature." Vincent shakes his head with a grin. Even in his current predicament, the 'fearsome creature' Octavius rode is all too innocent. "I ride the squirrel!" the squirrel runs toward the circled group, "Onward, now, my mighty steed!"

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