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Nickname: Celestialwing

Appearance: A celestial creature, believed to be the gods or guardians of Evermore. They have no visible mouth unless eating or attacking, in which their mouth is revealed. They can see electric currents and thermal images thanks to special organs on their head, and see a wide spectrum of colors from UV to Infrared. Their first pair of legs have long claws that they can spread apart to attack threats. Their second pair of feet are dexterous paws with sharp claws, often used to hold and manipulate items. Their hind feet are cloven hooves well-suited for climbing steep, rocky slopes due to inner pads that provide traction. Their feet have sharp dewclaws that keep them from slipping. They have a mix of antler and ram-like horns.


Powers: Psychic

The order from least costly to most is as follows: Mind reading, Healing, Magic sight, Illusions, and Future sight.

Psychic Abilities: they can read one's thoughts, and memories, and even dig into the subconscious if given enough energy. They can also create illusions and mess with the mind of others.

Healing: They can heal others, usually by transferring the wound to themselves or another. They cant transfer their own wounds to another.

Future sight: they get glimpses of possible futures

Magic sight: they can see others through their magic (ex: can see images in reflective objects like water and crystals. They can also see through fire.).

Lifecycle and Ecology:

Preferred Habitat: Mountains

Diet: Manaivores

They feast off the mana of the world. Mana is energy produced by the souls of living organisms like animals and trees and some celestial matter (Nebulas, Stars). They do not produce mana themselves.

All their magical abilities cost different levels of mana. To regain mana, they must feast. If they lose too much mana, they will starve, become ill, and die.

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