Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics

Start from the beginning


Dawn was more confused than ever before.

Dawn: Ok Mr.Baldi is there a way out.

Baldi didn't answer Dawn's question as he continues.


Dawn: Uh Baldi. I don't think math is the most important thing right n-

Before Dawn finish Baldi slammed paper on her desk and continued speaking.

Baldi: Answer the three questions correctly and you get something special! (Couldn't find a voiceline for that)

Dawn was confused but knew she had to play along if she want to get out.

Dawn: O..........K then?

Baldi: Problem 1: 8 + 2 =?

Dawn quickly answered.

Dawn: 10

Baldi: Great Job. Now time for problem 2: 0 - 9 = ?

Dawn had to think about that one but eventually answered.

Dawn: -9?

Baldi was impressed

Baldi: I can't believe it, your incredible!

Dawn: Thanks Mr.Baldi

Baldi: One last problem. This one's a tough one. But I know you can do it.

Dawn: I'll give it my best shot.


Dawn was now freaked out as she didn't understand a single thing Baldi said. So just came up with a random guess.

Dawn: 69?

Suddenly Baldi didn't seemed so pleased as the got behind the teacher desk and pulled out a ruler before slapping it.


Dawn knew it wasn't going to end well if stayed in the classroom she ran off as Baldi continued to slap with his hand as he came after her. Dawn tried to enter a a room but Baldi heard it even she was far away. When she notice Baldi was across the hall she got worried


It seemed like Baldi was about to give Dawn a big beating but he moved slowly as he smacked his ruler inching closer and closer.


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