𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭

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「 ✦ 1 ✦ 」

September made its presence known on the first day, when gusts of chilly wind made it impossible to go outside in short sleeves. Not only was this a reminder of its appearance, but also of the beginning of the school year at Hogwarts. It was usually a high-profile event; however, this time? All anyone was talking about was Harry Potter arriving at Hogwarts, the Boy-Who-Lived!

Charlotte felt a thrill of excitement, although she didn't let it show. She silenced all the rumours, but she herself could not get rid of the thought of a famous child. The brunette felt an inexplicable urge to meet him, as he was also a great wizard, just like her.

Already in her first year, she mastered Legilimency, while in the second year, she learned to cast spells without a wand. Everyone was delighted and extremely surprised, as it was unbelievable, or rather almost impossible. Dumbledore and McGonagall were impressed, but they did not want Charlotte to rush ahead and show all her abilities so early. She felt oppressed by them, not knowing the reason for their behaviour. Everything would have been simpler if only she had known.

The brunette hasn't left her room all day. She avoided talking to her best friend - Valerie Rowle - and any other teacher with whom she had a good relationship on a daily basis. She just pondered and watched the sky, which gradually darkened.

There was a single candle smouldering in her room, but it was enough to illuminate the vividly coloured decor. To everyone's surprise, everything in the room matched, especially Charlotte's character.

The room was of medium size; it was rather cosy. To the left of the entrance stood a blue desk with a purple armchair. There were lots of shelves and cabinets around it, holding all sorts of books, from those related to dark magic to muggle romances. There was a big window opposite to the door and a yellow sofa with a large orange coffee table in front of it that had paint peeling off already. A huge canopy bed dominated the right side of the room. The bed was always neat and covered in maroon fabric. This was a stark contrast to her childhood experiences.

Looking around the room, she mused again for a long moment and was snapped out of her trance by the lights she noticed out of the corner of her eye. They were boats heading towards Hogwarts.

She sprang from her seat and ran towards the main entrance, where most of the teachers had already gathered. Severus Snape kicked his heels; next to him were McGonagall and Flitwick, whispering and constantly looking towards the massive oak doors.

Suddenly, someone poked Charlotte hard from behind, making her jump. She pulled out her wand and turned around to rebuke the "funny" student. To her surprise, it was Valerie, her best friend and History of Magic teacher.

"Are you crazy?" huffed Charlotte, dramatically pawing at her chest. Valerie didn't seem to mind, giggled innocently, and then embraced her friend.

"Something's wrong with you all day. You have your head in the clouds, Lottie," she commented with concern in her voice.

"Well, I think we're all like that today, aren't we?" Charlotte replied, raising an eyebrow. It was visible that Valerie wanted to deny it as she raised her index finger upward and opened her mouth, but before she could speak, the sound of the main door opening interrupted her. Dozens of children entered the room, and teachers whispered among themselves, looking for a particular child.

Minerva silenced them all and welcomed the new Hogwarts students, as usual. Charlotte measured everyone with her eyes until, finally, next to the red-haired wimp, she looked into the bright green eyes of an eleven-year-old with glasses. Her gaze immediately went to his forehead, where a bit of a scar was visible, slyly hidden by his dark hair.

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