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Hi loves! yes, i'm rewriting this completely haha 𓆓

        Once upon a time, the heavens sent to Earth a glimmer of hope that few knew was there —not even she herself. Charlotte Davey - a witch whose abilities were beyond all expectations and whose heart was ready to sacrifice everything for her loved ones.

She spent eleven years of her life in the Muggle world, raised by a wealthy family, albeit one that shied away from showing affection. The older couple did not like some of the brunette's behaviour, or rather, what was going on around her. Despite their disapproval, Charlotte's powers continued to grow stronger with each passing day, unbeknownst to them.

Little did they know that her magical abilities were the very reason why she was sent to live among them in the first place.

When the green-eyed girl was sad, it rained until she smiled; when she was angry, the people around her could barely stay on their feet; when she failed to do something and got upset, the ground shook. All of this under the watchful eye of her parents, who seemed helpless and exhausted by the whole situation.

They were once helped by a woman who visited them on the day of the girl's eleventh birthday. Boarding school seemed like the best option. Lottie didn't understand what was going on until she spoke to the older woman.

"You may have noticed that... you have special abilities?" She began uncertainly, sitting across from her in the large white room. Minerva wasn't a fan of the place; it wasn't a room suitable for a girl of Davey's age. It looked like a mental asylum. Everything was white with gold trim; the large room contained only a desk, a chair, and a huge bed that looked rather caricatured compared to Charlotte's small stature. The main feature of the room was the large window that ran the length of the side wall. It was there that Charlotte spent most of her time gazing at the stars. 

The starkness of the room contrasted sharply with Charlotte's vibrant personality, making her seem out of place in such a sterile environment. Despite the clinical setting, Charlotte found solace in the window, where she could escape into the beauty of the night sky and feel a sense of freedom. 

Charlotte's eyes flickered with curiosity as she waited for Minerva's response. The silence between them was heavy, filled with unspoken questions lingering in the air.

The brunette nodded uncertainly, unsure of the woman's intentions. 

"See, you were probably wondering if this was normal." Minerva began, showing the girl the palm of her hand, which suddenly sprouted a large, beautiful tulip. The child stood up and looked at the witch's hand, grinning from ear to ear. "Magic is real, Charlotte," Minerva whispered, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Charlotte's heart raced with wonder and amazement as she realized the possibilities that lay before her.

McGonagall told her all about Hogwarts and what was in store for her in the near future. The girl was more than pleased. The woman promised to come back for her on the first day of September. Charlotte counted down the days, trying on all sorts of creations and dreaming of casting spells with impunity. Here, they would yell at her for it. But she didn't care, for she knew her destiny awaited at Hogwarts, where her magical abilities would be celebrated and nurtured. The little girl couldn't wait to start her journey into the world of wizardry and leave behind the mundane restrictions of the Muggle world.

Minerva came back for her as promised, today being the tenth anniversary of the event, dare I say, the most important of the girl's life. For now.

Davey had started teaching at the school a few years after graduating, and things had progressed at their own pace, up to a point. Many things about her past were still unresolved. 

On top of that, word had spread around the school that the Boy-Who-Lived would be starting his first year at Hogwarts. Everything at once.

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