Toritsuka: "Whoa Saiki-san! You actually came out? Amazing, though I feel like my special status is waning by the day."

Aiura: "I knew this moment would come! Gratz Kusuo!"

Aren: "Huh!? Is this some out of season April Fools joke? Did you spend too much time with Shun or something?"

Kaido: "Heh, don't underestimate my underling! We fight Dark Reunion on the regular! Of course we have special powers!"

Everyone started talking so it's gotten very noisy all of a sudden. I slammed my fist on the blackboard to shut everyone up, with force. It made a huge hole in the wall. I used restoration on it then turned around to a stupefied audience.

[As you can see, this is not a joke nor a delusion. My powers range from physical like telekinesis and superstrength, to mental like telepathy and x-ray vision. I've caused many a problem for everyone here during our time together and for that I wanted to sincerely apologize.]

I bowed. Nobody said anything in return, they were too shocked for words, so I continued.

[It was because of me that everyone was stuck in second year several times in a row, and it was me that crashed Saiko's ship which almost got everyone drowned, and help wasn't coming also because of me. I've erased some developments in our vacation to Hokaido, because I wasn't careful enough, and the avalanche in Austria was also my fault.]

Aiura: "Wow self-deprecating much? Why are not telling them about how many times you saved everyone's ass?"

Toritsuka: "Yeah! This is very out of character Saiki-san!"

Kokomi: "Most of those were my fault anyway."

Akechi: *Incoherent blabber which is ignored by everyone*

Chiyo: "I'm totally lost. What's all this supposed to mean? X-ray vision? Does that mean you can see everyone naked?"

Mera: "This doesn't seem to have anything to do with food, can I go?"

Hairo: "To think you were this strong all along..."

Saiko: "So you wrecked my ship?"

Aren: "!?"

Kaido: "You have actual powers? REAL POWERS? AND YOU HID IT FROM US!? HOW COULD YOU!"


Kaido: "Yeah! Tell him Nendou!"

Nendou: "I don't understand why are you apologizing?"

Kaido: "Huh?"

Nendou: "I mean I'm as stupid as they come, but even I could tell that we were safer with you around. All of those accidents ended up fine, right? It was thanks to you, right? So why apologize? We're pals, there's nothing to apologize for."

Kaido: "That's true... it did feel like you're protecting us."

Aiura: "That's right! Kusuo saved the world like 10 times, and this school like 50!"

Toritsuka: "Despite his personality, he's amazing! If y'all only knew the kind of things he's capable of, and he isn't even using his powers for perverted stuff! Except watching some run of the mill guy s-BLEUGH!"

Saiko: "I always wondered why so much cheap storebought trash was drifting from my ship back then..."

Aren: "You saved the world? Was the meteor your doing?"

Chiyo: "How come you're so calm Kokomi? Didn't he say he has telepathy? Isn't that... you know... a problem for you?"

Kokomi: "I... know. He told me two weeks ago."

Teruhashi-san wants to be confessed toحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن